Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I don't often talk politics here, but it seems to me that the people of the United States have gotten so used to incrementalism that they don't even realize it when they are being nickle and dimed into the poor house!

What is incrementalism? Well, you see it everywhere, but here's a couple of examples. Last year at about this time, gasoline hovered at around $2.00 a gallon. It's been that way for a couple of years, so we'd found a way to budget for it and still make ends meet. Then, with the "ethanol" crisis, gas went up to around $3.00 a gallon and people started screaming bloody murder. Now it's gone back to around $2.50 and everyone's happy! WHY IS EVERYONE SO FLIPPIN' HAPPY???!!! It's half a dollar more than last year and Exxon is about to offer Bill Gates a loan! Next year, it'll be another "crisis," gas will go up to $3.50 a gallon, everyone will scream, and then it'll settle in at $3.00 and everyone will be thanking the god of refined petroleum products that it's not $4.00! Socially, it works the same way. Everyone looks the other way as the vulgarity of Hollywood is splashed everywhere - the next thing you know, social morality is a thing of the past and what had been unacceptable and morally outrageous only a few years ago is commonplace and tolerated, if not accepted.

With gasoline - what're ya goin to do? We have to get to work; we don't have much choice in the short run. With questions of morality, we have a big say, and we don't have to protest or make a big stink about it! All we have to do is refuse to buy the garbage they're selling and they'll start creating entertainment that's more acceptable. After all, they worship a god as well - the god of profit and the free market. We can manipulate market forces as well as they can and turn THAT situation to our liking.

Along those same lines...the Democrats just don't get it! They increase the minimum wage, ostensibly to increase the buying power of people on the lower rungs of society. What's the outcome? Milk goes up to $4.00 a gallon, bread to $2.00 a loaf, beef to $5.00 a pound on the average. Do minimum wage people not EAT, or what? The fact is, their buying power has been REDUCED, not increased! Way to go, Democrats! Oh, I know; the increase in the minimum wage is only part of the story. A lot of corn that used to go toward feeding beef and dairy cattle is now going into energy production. Why? Well, I'll get into that next time!

LIC, Dan

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

day's over!

As I've mentioned, this time of year is the very definition of "hectic."

Although my schedule at school is a bit more workable than in years past, I've still got two preps (science and pre-AP science) and coaching duties both during and after school until around the middle of March. This means that my schedule goes something like this - get up around 5:30, attend to personal hygiene and dress, make coffee, pack lunch, feed dogs (take out garbage on garbage days), drive to work (takes about 50 minutes now), check box and sign in, open room and turn on computer, open any files to be used in the day's lessons, work on lesson planning, grading, filing, notes home, or other "teacher stuff" not related to instruction, teach classes until 3:45, coach football (or basketball, as the case may be) until ~5:45, wait for kids to call home and leave, drive home (arrive home at about 7:00 pm), eat (my darling bride has been making sure I have a hot meal when I get home! Is she AWESOME, or what?!!!!), unpack my gym bag from the day, repack the gym bag for tomorrow, make lunch (I make a salad for lunch - "packing it" entails loading a bag with silverware, napkin, salad dressing, and a breakfast bar), shower, and get ready for bed at or around 10:00. If I get to spend some time with Kim, it's a welcome bonus! Anyway, that's how days go for the next 6 months or so and when it's over at the end of basketball season, I'm usually pretty exhausted!

As I said, though, my schedule is much better this year than either of the last two. The year before last, I only had one prep, but I was only given one conference period every other day. I thought I was going to go crazy trying to keep up! Last year, I only had one conference period again, but we went from an 8-period block schedule to a 10-period schedule (from 90 minute classes to 70 minute classes), which meant that my one conference period shrank as well. Not only that, but I had two preps last year (science AND a study skills class), which just about drove me up the wall! I told the Principal that if it wasn't changed this year, the next time he saw me in his office I'd have a transfer authorization in my hand and he could start looking for a new science teacher! I guess he took me seriously. This year's schedule is MUCH better!

I feel for the other 7th-grade science teacher, though. Except for the conference period dilema, she's in the same boat I was in last year! She's got two preps (they gave her a speech class) and all of the honors kids are with me, which means that she's got the middle-of-the-road kids and lower for the most part. I know it may not sound objective, but having kids who are less gifted academically really wears on you after awhile, especially when there's no respite from one period to the next. You start to wonder if you're just not doing your job or if there's something you COULD be doing differently that you just haven't figured out yet. It's VERY frustrating! I know - I was there last year! What's worse in her case is the "inclusion" load. Last year I thought I had it bad! Out of about 45 inclusion kids, I had about 30 of them. Inclusion kids, for those of you who do not know, are kids with Individualized Education Plans which call for modifications to their instruction. An inclusion teacher will come in to assist with them, but, depending upon who else is in the class, designing instruction to meet the needs of ALL students in the room can be a daunting challenge! This year, the split of the inclusion load is even more lopsided than it was last year. I've got about 8 or so altogether and she's got the remainder - about 35 or so if I had to guess. Granted, with two honors classes out of 6 science sections I'm teaching, there's not a great opportunity to spread the wealth, but I have a hard time believing that it couldn't be spread out a little better than that. Oh well - I'm not going to complain! This year's awesome so far and it just keeps getting better, praise God!

Well, I've got to get to bed! 5:30 comes pretty early! - Dan

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A new year

Well, here we go with another new school year. This year in Texas, the school year starting date was pushed back a couple of weeks (trying to save on electricity, I think), so we're beginning a little later than has been true in the past. Our 7th-grade group this year is HUGE, so classes are going to be large as well. From what the 6th-grade teachers tell me, it's a pretty smart group, by and large, so this should be a fun year!

It'll be fun for another reason - I've been given the pre-AP classes this year and, from everything everyone who's ever taught one has told me, I'll never want to give it up once I've taught it! I'm PUMPED!! I love to see the light bulbs come one and a group of honors kids has more than it's fair share of light bulbs do just that, so it ought to be really cool!

If you're reading, please pray that God will go with me and help me to be a good example to these kids, that He'll help me to be patient and understanding with them, and He'll help me teach them to the very best of my ability.

LIC- Dan

Monday, August 20, 2007

garage day

Well, this was a day in the garage. I hung an 8x6 wall of pegboard the other day, but I had another 8x6 section to go and a whole lot of "stuff" to move first. Anyway, I got that done today, but I still have some shelves to hang and another bike to suspend from the ceiling, then the garage might start looking a little better, or at least useable. I DID move the compressor into place and get it plugged in and hooked up to the hose reel, so now it's useable. I've just got more stuff than there's room for here, but this too shall pass!

I just got a call - my agent is showing my house! Pray that whoever sees it will be favorably impressed! Praise god forever! LIC, Dan

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Today's status - A/O this afternoon, there is nothing left at my house except the boat and boat-related stuff. I'll grant you, a house note is a little steep for boat storage, but it beats paying a house note AND boat storage! My darling bride has been AWESOME during the process! Over the last several days, I've been moving stuff from the garage to the house (house stuff that was in boxes) and rearranging the garage to make room for garage stuff from my house. She went through the boxes and sorted stuff out, even putting together a care package for my daughter (which I delivered yesterday)! I'm telling you, this is the most awesome woman EVER!!!

In any case, please pray that the house sells quickly to someone who needs a good little house at a good price!

Tomorrow is a "mop-up" day. I've got to take a fish tank that I have here at home to the school and retrieve one that is currently up there. It's a hexagon-style tank that is much more complete than the one we have here. It'll still cost some money to put it together, but it'll be cheaper than the one that's here now. I'm going to use it as a terrarium in my classroom.

Speaking of class, pray that school goes well this year. Toward the end of last year I was completely out of gas. The pre-AP kids were all across the hall, which meant that all of the regular-ed and below kids in the 7th grade were placed in my class. Education is a lot like golf. You may only hit a couple of good shots in a round, but the few good shots you DO hit keep you coming back. Last year, with the group I had, there weren't very many good shots, and it wore me out. This year, I've been awarded the pre-AP classes, I'm teaching nothing but science, AND I have a conference period every day. For the last two years, I only had a conference period every other day, which also wore me out! I should be able to do a better job this year and reach more kids - that's what I'm there for! While we're at it, pray that I can be a good example for the kids that are assigned to me - help me to be the light of Christ to them and help me to show them that being a Christian can be a fun thing and that science and Christianity are not mutually exclusive!

Well, this is my prayer and I hope you'll join me in it! Love in Christ, Dan

Saturday, August 18, 2007

House update

Yesterday was the "clean out the garage" day. Man! It's hard to describe just how much stuff was in the garage (and the boat and all the boat-related stuff is still in there!) - today, we're taking some stuff to my daughter's place and finishing up with the storage building. By the end of the day, Casa del Dan should be totally empty and ready for new occupants.

While I was working over there yesterday, a fellow drove by with his daughter and son-in-law. He asked if I was the owner and I told them that I was indeed. They asked if they could see the place. I said "sure! I'd love to show it to you!" So I took them around and showed them the whole place. They didn't say a whole lot, but the man asked me about the price and how firm I was on it. I told them I'd like to get my asking price, of course, but everything is negotiable. They said that they have to be in a place by the first of the month, so I hope they choose mine! Lord God, give them a favorable view of the place and help them see what a great place it is! Help them with the financing or whatever else might get in the way. Father, if they choose another place, help them anyway. They seemed like nice people who could use a good place to start their lives. Lord, I don't often pray for strictly selfish things, but it sure would be a blessing to Kim and I if my house were gone! Lord Jesus, You said that anything we ask in your name would be granted if our faith was even as big as that of a mustard seed. I cannot judge my own faith, Father, so I ask you to consider my prayer and grant it if it is in Your will. Lord Jesus, I love You and I praise You this day and every day! I ask these things in Your holy precious name, amen!

While I'm praying, here's one for "Dean." Father, Dean looks like a really bad storm, the sort that could cause indescribable damage and heartache for millions of people. Lord, I know that You said that storms come to the wicked and the righteous alike, but I pray that wherever You send Dean, a minimum of damage might be done and as few people as possible will be affected. Lord, watch over us and guide us, protect us, and keep us from harm. Lord, I ask it in the name of Jesus, amen! - Dan

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Church hurts

Many of us know people who have gone through "church hurts;" those injuries that are inflicted by others at church either intentionally or unintentionally. Church hurts are the worst, because we expect to find love at church, not judgement or condemnation. Sadly, we often find just that, and worse.

In my new church, I've found love and acceptance. I guess such has not always been the case. Several years back, my church suffered a "split," where those who were "pure" (never divorced; both man and wife attending; ostensibly sinless, etc) went to a new church and those who were not invited stayed at my church. Now, let's get one thing straight. Those who stayed behind were not necessarily guilty of "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" or whatever; they simply didn't fit the "perfect" mold of those who were not left behind. Perhaps a man or his wife were unequally yoked and only one or the other actually attended services. Perhaps a couple had been divorced and remarried. Perhaps someone had actually suffered a backslidden condition and come back seeking forgiveness. Whatever. These were NOT asked to move. In any case, I have found that this bunch of people actually know what Christianity is all about; forgiveness and acceptance. The bible is pretty clear about what to do with someone who isn't living an acceptable lifestyle. My new church seems to be pretty clear about it as well.

Anyway, some of the folks from the "new" church seem to be spreading the rumor that those who attend my (ACoC) church don't believe in baptism. Not only that, but we're all going to hell because we clap our hands while singing praises to God. Apparently, clapping while singing isn't scriptural. Well, maybe the folks from the new church got a different version of the bible than the one I've been reading. Psalms 47 is pretty clear: "1 Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy." Maybe they skipped that chapter when they were reading, but I don't know. I do know that I pray that God will open ALL of His scripture to them that they may understand His Word. Then there's that thing about baptism. Apparently, you have to be baptised to be saved. Now, I'm not going to say that baptism isn't important, quite the contrary. The Lord Jesus Himself went to the River Jordan to be baptised by John the Baptist. Why? Because baptism is symbolic of the death of the old man and the birth of the new one. Jesus thought it was important, so should we! Consequently, when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, we should follow His example and be baptised! Is it absolutely neccessary for salvation? I don't really think so! There's exactly one scripture that I can find that says "believe and be baptised" in order to be saved (Mark 16:16). On the other hand, there's a TON of them that say that belief itself is all it takes! (John 3:15; John 3:16; John 3:18; John 3:36; John 5:24; John 6:35; John 6:40; John 6:47; John 11:25; John 11:26; John 12:46, etc.). So what do we make of this? Do we believe Mark 16:16 and rely on belief AND baptism, or do we go with John and believe that belief alone is sufficient? Frankly, I think that belief is all it takes, but we should follow the example of Jesus and be baptised when we come to believe. If we do that, we are aligned with the scripture regardless of whether you believe that Mark 16:16 is genuine or not! This, by the way, is what Alvin Church of Christ practices - new believers are baptised!

So why would someone lie about all this? Who knows why satan does what he does? Does he want to divide Christ's church and cause His people to mistrust one another? Well, I guess so! John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." All I can say is, do not give place to the devil! (Ephesians 4:26/27 - 26"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27and do not give the devil a foothold.) How does it benefit one person, or one congregation of people for that matter, to denegrate the work or the people of another? The answer is, it does not! All it does its give the devil satisfaction!

One last thought. Jesus was pretty clear about how we should figure out who believes and who does not:

Matthew 7:15"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them."

So, the question is pretty clear. Does ACOC bear good fruit or not? I'd have to say, from what I've seen so far, the fruit is pretty good. The fruit I see from detractors has been falsehood and inuendo. Perhaps they are raising thornbushes, but it is not for me to judge, but for God alone. Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." I will not judge those who detract from the work of ACoC and I would quote the above and caution others to do likewise. - Dan

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What WOULD Jesus do?

Several years back, lots of us wore "WWJD" bracelets to remind us of the question - "What Would Jesus Do?" The point, of course, was to make us mindful of the life of Christ and help us to be more Christ-like in our everyday lives. I've thought about that more than a few times. It seems to me that the best indicator of what someone is likely to do is their history - what they've done in the past. If someone has been a habitual liar, for example, then that person is likely to lie when questioned about something that may call for a little "behind covering," so to speak. Likewise, a theif is likely to steal, and a murderer is likely to kill. When we apply this logic to Jesus and ask instead, "What Did Jesus Do?" we find that the bracelet was not misplaced. Jesus DID forgive those who persecuted Him "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do;" He DID give to those in need; he DID pray, and that often; He DID treat others as He wished to be treated, and He DID keep the commandments of God! I submit, therefore, that the better question, or perhaps the more pertinent question, is no "What Would Jesus Do?", but "What Did Jesus Do?", and it would behoove us all to follow His example as He gives us strength to do so. - Dan

Monday, August 13, 2007

Jesus' Hardest Teaching

In "small groups" this past Sunday evening, we spent most of the session talking about love for our friends. Brother Jerry's lesson Sunday morning dealt with "the greatest commandment," that we should love the Lord our God with all our soul, all our strength, and all our mind, and that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. (Matthew 22:34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:
36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."). Now, those of you who know me at all know that I'm a "literal" guy - anytime the bible can be interpreted literally, it should be taken that way - that said, you know I have no problem with this teaching! Jesus says, quite literally, that all of the rest of the law, and all of the prophets, hang on these two commands! Such being the case, we should, quite literally, love God above all things and put Him first always, AND we should love one another as much as we love ourselves! As tough as that may seem (let's be real, shall we? How often do we REALLY put God first? How often is it that He's the first thought and our first consideration? I'm not pointing fingers, mind you - I'm just as guilty as anyone! Even in the most devout households, God usually comes in second or third, but rarely if ever FIRST!), we are commanded to make it happen! My experience has been thus - if you put God first and put all of your trust in Him, you cannot HELP but love others! Whether we go to the extent that is described next....

Okay, that's a tough teaching, that "God first" thing. We have cares and concerns that we have to look after, doesn't God know that? Well, if you thought that one was tough, try this one on for size!

Matthew 5:43 "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

In that same session of small groups, one of the men in the gathering told of a hamburger joint in town where Muslim tracts have been left on the tables, some of which are rather desparaging about Jesus. He made it clear that he'd not go back and several in the group made it clear that they would boycott the place as well. I could not recall the scripture at the time, but I thought to myself, "it is not the well, but the sick who need a physician! " Jesus tells us to love those who despise us and pray for those who persecute us! How badly do these people need a Christian presence! Yet, in our typical "circle the wagons" fashion, we're going to prove that the tenets of our faith are no better than those of Islam - we're going to wage war on the "infidels" and attempt to drive them out of business! Frankly, I should have spoken up, but I'm new to the group and I could not remember the scripture, so I kept quiet. As I said, I'm no better than they for having kept quiet, but this scripture more than any other (IMHO) separates Christianity from other world religions (nevermind that Jesus is ALIVE and all of those other guys are dead - I'm speaking only of the teachings of our holy scripture versus that of other major world beliefs). We are commanded to love those who mistreat us, to love and respect those who persecute us, and to pray for those who disagree! I don't think Islam can make that claim and I know that Hindus, even thought they espouse a non-violent lifestyle, believe that "karma" will even things up in the end (a little devine retribution, if you will). Frankly, I've got a lot of growing to do - I'm not there yet and I don't know of a lot of folks who are.

God, give me the ability to be more like Jesus this day. Help me to love You with my whole being and to love my neighbors as I love myself. Lord, help me to love those who hate me or treat me with disdain and pray for those who persecute me. I can't do it of my own power, but I know that, with your help, I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me. Watch over me and my darling bride and keep us safe and healthy. Grant her the desires of her heart - she loves you with her whole heart! All of this I ask in the precious name of Jesus, amen!

- Dan

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


As many know by now, I'm a little "off" when it comes to noticing things that don't occur to most people. Recently, it occured to me that there's a conspiracy going on here! Anytime I pay something online and print a verification receipt, it prints not only the receipt, but also the three other pages that go along with whatever else is on the webpage! That means that I wanted one piece of paper and I got three! It also means that I wanted to use "X" amount of ink, but wound up using "Y" amount! Now, I don't usually get real exercized about such things, but this overkill on paper and ink is adding up! Think about all of the other folks who do things the way I do - pay bills online and print a receipt with a confirmation number on it for my records - the numbers of extra pages printed for nothing, not to mention the extra ink involved, must be truly mindboggling! It's a conspiracy, I tell you! The paper manufacturers, the ink makers and sellers, and the web-masters have all gotten together and spun an evil plot! "If you rig it where every 'print' command will print two worthless pieces of paper, we'll kick you back half of the additional paper/ink sales! Think of the opportunity!"

I think I'll go back to using stamps - it's cheaper! - Dan

Monday, August 06, 2007

Anybody know anything about real estate?

I'm trying to put my place on the market. My darling bride set me up with a "help" service through USAA and I've talked to a couple of agents now. I met with one this afternoon and I'm scheduled to meet with another tomorrow afternoon. The first said that she could list at my asking price if the "comps" agree. I'm sorry....what's a "comp?" I mean, I guess it's pricing that comparable homes have sold for in the vicinity, but what does that matter? I've got my asking price and what I'm prepared to sell for; what does it matter what anyone else has sold their home for? I guess I'm at a loss! Oh well, the place is MT and I dropped off the mail forwarding thing at the post office earlier, so I'm good to go! If you're reading in, please pray that this place sells quickly - I don't really want to pay the house note for boat storage, if you know what I mean! LOL!

Tomorrow, I have to go back to work (early coaches' days). Friday and Saturday, I have science training while my darling bride goes to see her oldest graduate from college (and I have to MISS IT!!!! :( ) The following week, we have one more coaches' day, then all of the teachers at my school have to report for staff development. The following week, the kids come back! What was supposed to be a long summer has been the shortest summer on record! Oh well...times' fun when you're having flies; at least that's what my old buddies Mike and Steve used to say.

Y'all have a good day and I'll talk to you later! - Dan

Saturday, August 04, 2007

The house is MT!

Today, I finished moving everything out of the house. I also moved most of the "outside" stuff, including my dogs. Now THAT was a trip! The dogs have never gone on a "road trip" before, so they didn't know how to act in the truck. The female, "Belle," jumped out before the truck was even moving and wriggled out of her collar. Precursor, is what that's called, I think. Anyway, I got her back in the truck and settled down, and then we took off. The male, "Jack," was fine until we took off. I was going about 45 or so when he chose to jump out! I slammed on the brakes and jumped out - he was hanging off the side of the truck from his chain and did not know what to make of the fact that the ground was moving so fast! Well, when I got him settled down and back in the truck, I realized that I lost a lid for one of the big rubbermade containers and a patio chair, so I went back and found both items and loaded them back up, dogs still intact. Well, then it started raining! What a trip! Oh well, we all made it safely and got the load unloaded without any dead dogs or dead drivers. I'm almost done! - Dan

Another "big item day"

Yesterday was another busy day at Casa del Dan. I moved my refrigerator and chest freezer, the washer and dryer, and most of the boxed stuff that was left. Most of the effort went into cleaning - it's hard to imagine how dirty things get (especially BEHIND them) when they haven't been moved for awhile. I have to admit - my refrigerator was a little less than clean, so I emptied it, took it apart and cleaned it really well. Now, it sits in the garage at my new abode, keeping drinks and other things nice and cool! Anyway, today I have to pick up the few little items that are left in the house, get the smoker and patio furniture, and move my dogs to their new home! They'll be so excited! Well, got to get with it! I can put the place on the market now and next weekend, I get to move everything in the garage! Oh boy! - Dan

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Today, my darling bride came to the house after work and moved all of my clothes ALL BY HERSELF!!! Did God bless me with a great woman, or what?

As for me, I moved the computer desk and hutch, my bookcase (the one I made myself), and my antique dresser. I saw that the sky was getting dark (what a shock! It hasn't rained here since.....yesterday! LOL!), so I ran that load over to the house real quick, and it's a good thing; it was POURING when I got back! I took advantage of the rain out to finish painting the bathroom and packing up the kitchen. Then, miraculously (thank You, Jesus!), the skies cleared and I was able to move all of the stuff I'd packed, my bed, the book boxes, and several other items. AT LAST! A FULL LOAD! Well, my bride and I are both exhausted, so I'm calling it a night! - Dan