North Korea is threatening to respond a thousand-fold to any (perceived) American provocation, the libs are doing everything they can to destroy our economy, I now own General Motors (well, the American taxpayer owns them!), and all anyone cares about is a couple with too many kids and their inability to handle the "pressure" of fame and fortune!
It's embarrassing!
Yes, boys and girls, Jon and Kate announced their "separation" and their producers updated us with a text announcement that "legal proceedings" have begun to nullify their ten-year relationship. Has anyone ever watched the show? How could anyone who has possibly wonder about any of this?
I have to admit; MDB was/is a big J&K+8 fan. It's programmed into the DVR and we've got about 10 of them on cue at any given time. Now, to her credit, she knows I don't really care to watch their exploits, so she watches mostly when I'm not around, but I have seen my share of episodes. I've watched more than once when they sat on that couch and Kate basically demeaned and belittled John. I've watched him swallow it and never say anything about it unless it was to sheepishly agree with her assessment. I've leaned over and said on more than one occasion, "My Lord! How does he continue to put up with that?" I guess the answer to that one is now painfully clear!
It's hard to put a finger on a single reason for disliking the show, but here's one that comes to mind; I don't like watching a show that exploits children for profit, especially when it's supposed to be a "hands-off glimpse into the life" sort of thing! They claim that the show will go on, but I doubt that it will survive for very long (thank God!!!). I mean, we have enough turmoil in our own daily lives, right? Do we really need to tune in to see someone else's drama play out? Do we really need to see the lives of these kids destroyed in half-hour increments? How long before it's "J&K's kids in drug rehab?", or "J&K see the counselor at school because little Suzy is cutting herself?"
The whole thing makes me sick, quite frankly!
Children who are exploited for cash always turn out well, don't they? The kids from "Diffrent Strokes" came out great, didn't they? I can think of about a thousand other examples, but the point's clear, isn't it?
Now I've heard that the female who had a litter of twelve has been signed on to do her own reality show.
That should be pretty special!
Perhaps the first few episodes will air BEFORE North Korean nukes start dropping on the west coast!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Well, more than a few gallons have passed under the bridge since my last post, so here goes!
The whole gay marriage thing is about to make me sick at my stomach! God created men and women for procreation, not sexual pleasure. Now, I'll grant you, He made it a lot of fun so we'd want to "go forth and multiply", but pleasure is not the primary purpose!! Since gays are not capable of procreation, their very existence goes against the will of God (implied AND stated!), so the entire gay rights and gay marriage movement is not a question of equal rights so much as it is a repudiation of God and His will. It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God!
I hope that won't be construed as "hate speech!"
I don't hate anyone, but the bible clearly says that homosexuality is "an abomination." What part of "abomination" don't you get, gay rights advocate? Look, I didn't write it, so don't shoot the messenger!
Anyway, I can commiserate somewhat. I don't think it's fair necessarily to codify discrimination against any group or subgroup, but it's not the government that's doing it!!! It's private companies who refuse to view a "partnership" with the same lens as they use for a marriage! So, powerful homosexual voting and purchasing block, boycott the companies who refuse to recognize your immoral and deviant lifestyle and FORCE them to come around!
Tried that already, huh? Too bad!
Look, even in California, the majority of people don't want to recognize a homosexual partnership the same way that a heterosexual one is recognized. It's CALIFORNIA, for crying out loud!! I'd say give it up for a while and see if a new generation of homosexuals comes along who side with your point of view, that's what I'd do.
Oh, that's right! Homosexuals don't procreate! No chance of passing that "gay gene" along then, is there?
How does our President, Mr. Nobraina, have any feet left? I mean, it seems as though he shoots himself in the foot two or three times a day; why is he not on crutches?
He just couldn't help himself, could he? A Supreme Court vacancy came along and he just couldn't take the high road and nominate someone who's actually qualified to be on the High Court, could he? Noooooooo!!!!! He said "'s an opportunity! Let me find the most liberal, most far-left leaning individual in the country and put her name forward in nomination!"
Uhhh...Newt said it best (and I paraphrase); a Latina female racist is no better than a white male racist and both should be asked to withdraw if sanity prevails.
I don't see any withdrawals, Ms. Sotomayor!
Then Nobraina continued on the "See, I'm really a Muslim and you can trust me" tour and made another big batch of apologies for our "arrogance."
It ain't bragging if you can do it, Mr. President!
THEN he went out and bought GM with my tax dollars! Anyone who reads here very often KNOWS that I'm a Ford guy! It positively makes me want to wretch knowing that my money is now buying a Chevrolet!
Maybe there's too much invested at this point, I don't know, but I DO know this; the United States government had NO business bailing out ANY of these private entities and it would be absolutely SHAMEFUL if they went under anyway, despite the best efforts of all concerned to prop them up! Look, these corporations failed for a very simple reason; they're poorly run, way too fat, and not willing or able to change rapidly enough to stop the hemorrhage of red ink! They SHOULD fail!! They should be forced to sell off their assets to whoever wants to buy them and restructure whatever's left into a leaner, more competitive company!
Anyone ever hear of American Motors? How about Hudson? Or Packard? Or Studebaker, or Nash, or DeSoto, or any of a hundred other failed car companies? The car business is high risk and high reward! Those who venture there do so at their own peril...
...or that's how it USED to be! NOW we don't let anyone fail! We can't allow market forces to determine the fate of these former corporate giants! NO!!!!! We've got to step in and use tax dollars to prop up the rotten, termite-infested structure! Allowing the market to determine the fate of GM would be.....can't bear to say it......sniff!!......CAPITALISM!!! We're not a capitalist economy anymore! NO! We're now socialist and everyone must get a trophy!!!
Should have put them in the junkyard with all those Studebakers and Hudsons while we had a chance! Now we've got to grit our teeth and PRAY that the thing succeeds so I can get my money back!
Thanks, Mr. Nobraina!
Is it 2010 yet?
The whole gay marriage thing is about to make me sick at my stomach! God created men and women for procreation, not sexual pleasure. Now, I'll grant you, He made it a lot of fun so we'd want to "go forth and multiply", but pleasure is not the primary purpose!! Since gays are not capable of procreation, their very existence goes against the will of God (implied AND stated!), so the entire gay rights and gay marriage movement is not a question of equal rights so much as it is a repudiation of God and His will. It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God!
I hope that won't be construed as "hate speech!"
I don't hate anyone, but the bible clearly says that homosexuality is "an abomination." What part of "abomination" don't you get, gay rights advocate? Look, I didn't write it, so don't shoot the messenger!
Anyway, I can commiserate somewhat. I don't think it's fair necessarily to codify discrimination against any group or subgroup, but it's not the government that's doing it!!! It's private companies who refuse to view a "partnership" with the same lens as they use for a marriage! So, powerful homosexual voting and purchasing block, boycott the companies who refuse to recognize your immoral and deviant lifestyle and FORCE them to come around!
Tried that already, huh? Too bad!
Look, even in California, the majority of people don't want to recognize a homosexual partnership the same way that a heterosexual one is recognized. It's CALIFORNIA, for crying out loud!! I'd say give it up for a while and see if a new generation of homosexuals comes along who side with your point of view, that's what I'd do.
Oh, that's right! Homosexuals don't procreate! No chance of passing that "gay gene" along then, is there?
How does our President, Mr. Nobraina, have any feet left? I mean, it seems as though he shoots himself in the foot two or three times a day; why is he not on crutches?
He just couldn't help himself, could he? A Supreme Court vacancy came along and he just couldn't take the high road and nominate someone who's actually qualified to be on the High Court, could he? Noooooooo!!!!! He said "'s an opportunity! Let me find the most liberal, most far-left leaning individual in the country and put her name forward in nomination!"
Uhhh...Newt said it best (and I paraphrase); a Latina female racist is no better than a white male racist and both should be asked to withdraw if sanity prevails.
I don't see any withdrawals, Ms. Sotomayor!
Then Nobraina continued on the "See, I'm really a Muslim and you can trust me" tour and made another big batch of apologies for our "arrogance."
It ain't bragging if you can do it, Mr. President!
THEN he went out and bought GM with my tax dollars! Anyone who reads here very often KNOWS that I'm a Ford guy! It positively makes me want to wretch knowing that my money is now buying a Chevrolet!
Maybe there's too much invested at this point, I don't know, but I DO know this; the United States government had NO business bailing out ANY of these private entities and it would be absolutely SHAMEFUL if they went under anyway, despite the best efforts of all concerned to prop them up! Look, these corporations failed for a very simple reason; they're poorly run, way too fat, and not willing or able to change rapidly enough to stop the hemorrhage of red ink! They SHOULD fail!! They should be forced to sell off their assets to whoever wants to buy them and restructure whatever's left into a leaner, more competitive company!
Anyone ever hear of American Motors? How about Hudson? Or Packard? Or Studebaker, or Nash, or DeSoto, or any of a hundred other failed car companies? The car business is high risk and high reward! Those who venture there do so at their own peril...
...or that's how it USED to be! NOW we don't let anyone fail! We can't allow market forces to determine the fate of these former corporate giants! NO!!!!! We've got to step in and use tax dollars to prop up the rotten, termite-infested structure! Allowing the market to determine the fate of GM would be.....can't bear to say it......sniff!!......CAPITALISM!!! We're not a capitalist economy anymore! NO! We're now socialist and everyone must get a trophy!!!
Should have put them in the junkyard with all those Studebakers and Hudsons while we had a chance! Now we've got to grit our teeth and PRAY that the thing succeeds so I can get my money back!
Thanks, Mr. Nobraina!
Is it 2010 yet?
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