Nadya Suleman, the mother of octuplets most recently and 14 children altogether, has reportedly signed a deal with the company that produced "The Biggest Loser" to star in a reality TV show.
The biggest loser, indeed!
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I never would've believed it if I hadn't read it on Yahoo!!
The woman with no skill, no job, no income (well, no skill other than getting pregnant, apparently) and no viable prospects has agreed to assist her kids (read as "exploit," "use," "manipulate," or "rape" as you see fit) with their future by inking them to a reality TV deal! That always works out, doesn't it, Jon and Kate? Danny Bonaduce, you wanna chime in here? Where's Willis when you need him?
I thought selling kids was illegal? Why don't we just attach little shackles to their ankles and make them drag rocks around or something? That might be entertaining as well, don't you think?
There's a really warm place in hell for people who exploit children like this and Jesus is coming soon, so I'd see if I couldn't spend some of that easy money on icewater if I were you, Nada! (No, I didn't misspell it! If there was ever a zero, this one's it!)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Another symptom!
Well, the headline this morning was "States Where Job Seekers Have Given Up," or something to that effect.
To me, it's just another symptom of the "Everyone Gets a Trophy" generation. If you can't find that perfect work experience, you just give up and let Big Daddy Government take care of you. I mean, it's actually their responsibility anyway, isn't it?
This is just the sort of shift in our collective thinking as a society that makes me physically ill! If you can't find that "perfect" job, then you take one that's a little less perfect until that "perfect" one comes along! Since I was 17, I've been out of work a total of three days! I never willingly left a job without having another in place and, even though I may not make as much money as I could if I really "worked" the system for all it's worth, I make a fair wage and I'm happy with what I do. Who could ask for more?
Here's an idea for all of you "Discouraged Job Seekers;" Get up real early, log onto "Craig's List," and start applying for anything legitimate that will actually earn you a paycheck until your ideal job comes along! Frankly, I'd hang off of a garbage truck and pick up trash for the city before I'd sit around feeling sorry for myself and let someone else take care of me or my obligations!
Shake yourselves, losers! Go get a job!
To me, it's just another symptom of the "Everyone Gets a Trophy" generation. If you can't find that perfect work experience, you just give up and let Big Daddy Government take care of you. I mean, it's actually their responsibility anyway, isn't it?
This is just the sort of shift in our collective thinking as a society that makes me physically ill! If you can't find that "perfect" job, then you take one that's a little less perfect until that "perfect" one comes along! Since I was 17, I've been out of work a total of three days! I never willingly left a job without having another in place and, even though I may not make as much money as I could if I really "worked" the system for all it's worth, I make a fair wage and I'm happy with what I do. Who could ask for more?
Here's an idea for all of you "Discouraged Job Seekers;" Get up real early, log onto "Craig's List," and start applying for anything legitimate that will actually earn you a paycheck until your ideal job comes along! Frankly, I'd hang off of a garbage truck and pick up trash for the city before I'd sit around feeling sorry for myself and let someone else take care of me or my obligations!
Shake yourselves, losers! Go get a job!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Coburn's my new hero!
During questioning of SC nominee Sonia Sotomayor (means "make it up as you go along" in Spanish, come to find out!) today, my new hero, Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma asked Ms. Sotomayor how she could stand so positively on an "implied" right, the "right to privacy," and remain vague on a very simply STATED right, the right to keep and bear arms (2nd Amendment).
Ms. Sotomayor went on for about 10 minutes about New York state law, retrieving a gun from home, chicken noodle soup recipes, and the proper procedure for an oil change on a 1972 Volkswagen Beetle, all the while managing to repeat the phrase "I am not a lawmaker" about 35 times (nice job, prep committee! She's managed to remember 4 words from the talking points you gave her!). Of course, while waxing philosophical on the true color of a blue moon, she failed to answer the Senator's question.
Why should I be surprised? He earlier asked a simple "yes or no" question and she stammered stupefied for about ten minutes on THAT one as well, never mentioning either of the correct response choices, "yes" or "no."
By the way, what is this "settled precedent" she keeps referring to? Settled or not, isn't bad law or a poor interpretation NEVER settled? Once upon a time, Brown V. Board of Education was "settled," was it not? Wasn't "Dred Scott" a "settled precedent" at one time? How about a hundred other famous cases that, once reviewed, revealed failed logic or a poor reading of our Constitution?
Is that the best you can do, Obama?
I think it's time to pack up for the Bronx where people don't seem to mind the invention of law from the bench, Ms. Sotomayor!
Ms. Sotomayor went on for about 10 minutes about New York state law, retrieving a gun from home, chicken noodle soup recipes, and the proper procedure for an oil change on a 1972 Volkswagen Beetle, all the while managing to repeat the phrase "I am not a lawmaker" about 35 times (nice job, prep committee! She's managed to remember 4 words from the talking points you gave her!). Of course, while waxing philosophical on the true color of a blue moon, she failed to answer the Senator's question.
Why should I be surprised? He earlier asked a simple "yes or no" question and she stammered stupefied for about ten minutes on THAT one as well, never mentioning either of the correct response choices, "yes" or "no."
By the way, what is this "settled precedent" she keeps referring to? Settled or not, isn't bad law or a poor interpretation NEVER settled? Once upon a time, Brown V. Board of Education was "settled," was it not? Wasn't "Dred Scott" a "settled precedent" at one time? How about a hundred other famous cases that, once reviewed, revealed failed logic or a poor reading of our Constitution?
Is that the best you can do, Obama?
I think it's time to pack up for the Bronx where people don't seem to mind the invention of law from the bench, Ms. Sotomayor!
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Jackson's remains
Well, I seldom blog more than twice a month these days, so NOW to drop my thoughts on you twice in one day....
Here goes!
The whole Michael Jackson spectacle makes my skin crawl in so many ways! First, who really cared anything at all about MJ until he kicked it? I mean, he'd been forced underground essentially, called "Whacko," and marginalized in every way imaginable. Of course, he brought most of it on himself by turning himself in a clown, but who really knows what the underlying cause of THAT was? The irony is the whole circus that came after his untimely demise!
Now I read that no one will know where MJ's remains will be interred. I don't think anyone really cares at this point, do they? I mean, will there be live cameras and opportunities for free pub at the gravesite?
I didn't think so! Don't worry, then! The "King of Pop" will remain forever undisturbed regardless of where you put him!
How many so-called "black leaders" showed up to pay tribute? The "never saw a camera I didn't like" Representative from Houston, Shirley Jackson-Lee even showed up! For what? Maybe it was just an invitation to everyone with "Jackson" in their name (or so it seems; Jesse, Shirley, Andrew; ALL the Jacksons were there!), but I suspect that the opportunity for a little free pub was the main reason. So sad!
I'm sorry, did I say "free?"
That's part II of what upsets me about the whole deal! I mean, if you're Michael Jackson's family, with millions of dollars at your disposal to have a remembrance ANYWHERE you'd like, why choose the one place in the nation that simply cannot afford your presence? The opportunity to host the MJ memorial circus cost LA a reported 1.4 MILLION dollars! See! I told you that Andrew Jackson showed up! 70,000 thousand of the bills with his likeness went flying out the window to fund the debacle!
I guess the main thing, though, is the total hypocrisy involved! Here's a guy that NOBODY cared anything about for the longest time and now that he ostensibly did us all a favor and went away, EVERYBODY loved the guy! What a bunch of hypocrites! If you care about someone, show them while they're still alive to enjoy it, NOT afterward!
You phonies didn't care anything about Michael Jackson; all you care about is the photo op!
Here goes!
The whole Michael Jackson spectacle makes my skin crawl in so many ways! First, who really cared anything at all about MJ until he kicked it? I mean, he'd been forced underground essentially, called "Whacko," and marginalized in every way imaginable. Of course, he brought most of it on himself by turning himself in a clown, but who really knows what the underlying cause of THAT was? The irony is the whole circus that came after his untimely demise!
Now I read that no one will know where MJ's remains will be interred. I don't think anyone really cares at this point, do they? I mean, will there be live cameras and opportunities for free pub at the gravesite?
I didn't think so! Don't worry, then! The "King of Pop" will remain forever undisturbed regardless of where you put him!
How many so-called "black leaders" showed up to pay tribute? The "never saw a camera I didn't like" Representative from Houston, Shirley Jackson-Lee even showed up! For what? Maybe it was just an invitation to everyone with "Jackson" in their name (or so it seems; Jesse, Shirley, Andrew; ALL the Jacksons were there!), but I suspect that the opportunity for a little free pub was the main reason. So sad!
I'm sorry, did I say "free?"
That's part II of what upsets me about the whole deal! I mean, if you're Michael Jackson's family, with millions of dollars at your disposal to have a remembrance ANYWHERE you'd like, why choose the one place in the nation that simply cannot afford your presence? The opportunity to host the MJ memorial circus cost LA a reported 1.4 MILLION dollars! See! I told you that Andrew Jackson showed up! 70,000 thousand of the bills with his likeness went flying out the window to fund the debacle!
I guess the main thing, though, is the total hypocrisy involved! Here's a guy that NOBODY cared anything about for the longest time and now that he ostensibly did us all a favor and went away, EVERYBODY loved the guy! What a bunch of hypocrites! If you care about someone, show them while they're still alive to enjoy it, NOT afterward!
You phonies didn't care anything about Michael Jackson; all you care about is the photo op!
Well, the Dumocrats are at it again!
Hello again, blogfan!
As anyone who's been paying any attention whatsoever already knows, our President has vowed passage of a sweeping health care reform measure before the end of August. Anybody want to guess how he's going to pay for it?
That's RIGHT! We're going to tax "the rich" once again!
Who are these so-called mythical "rich" people, anyway?
I guess we could tax Tony Soprano; he's got lots of cash! Well, it's all under the table and unreported, but we've seen him pull out those horse-choker wads of greenbacks and peel off a couple of thou like it was nothing, right?'s fantasy, right up there with this stupid health care reform plan and your funding choice, Dumocrats!
Wasn't it bad enough that the government ran GM out of business with their stupid CAFE standards and their unadulterated love affair with the UAW? Can't these idiots see that any business worth it's salt (and wishing it's survival) has already left for India or Mexico? When you kill the goose that laid the golden egg, THERE AREN'T ANY MORE GOLDEN EGGS, YOU IDIOTS!!!
We keep hearing that 50,000,000 people don't have health care. How many of those are legal citizens of the US? How many can't get to a local ER for the free care that they MUST provide by law? How many have opted out of their employer-provided coverage for whatever reason, or simply are between coverages because of job loss or other employment issues?
That's what I thought!
"But Dan! Isn't just ONE person without health care one too many? Isn't health care a RIGHT?", it's not! There are two sure things in life and a lot of people seem to get by without experiencing one of them; death and taxes! We already HAVE a universal health care policy for those of you that haven't been paying attention; it's called Medicaid! How's that little experiment going, Dumocrats? You say it's going bankrupt, along with Medicare and Social Security? Why is that, Dumocrats?
Think about it!
I say, clean up the messes you've already made before you start another one! If you want to continue to fund Medicaid, then fund it and LEAVE THAT MONEY ALONE!!! Lord knows, I've paid a quarter of a million dollars into Social Security and what I've got right now is a government IOU with some future taxpayer's name on it! Your "steal from 'the rich' and give to the poor" scheme doesn't work, Dumocrats! "The rich" got that way because they're savvy with their cash and they know how to keep it out of your grubby little hands (if you don't believe me, ask Timothy Geitner!), so all you wind up doing is taxing ME more and God knows, I'm not rich!
Once again, lets get the government out of business where they HAVE no business! We have this little thing called a Constitution! I've read it and, quite frankly, I thought it said that powers not expressly granted to the Federal government were supposed to be granted to the states. Funny, I didn't see anything in there about a "right to free health care" or the idea that the Federal government should establish some national health system! It's time to revert to what the Constitution dictates and get rid of all of this ridiculous Utopian state-run boondoggle that we've allowed to be created!
We have a right to PURSUE happiness, not an absolute guarantee of it!
As anyone who's been paying any attention whatsoever already knows, our President has vowed passage of a sweeping health care reform measure before the end of August. Anybody want to guess how he's going to pay for it?
That's RIGHT! We're going to tax "the rich" once again!
Who are these so-called mythical "rich" people, anyway?
I guess we could tax Tony Soprano; he's got lots of cash! Well, it's all under the table and unreported, but we've seen him pull out those horse-choker wads of greenbacks and peel off a couple of thou like it was nothing, right?'s fantasy, right up there with this stupid health care reform plan and your funding choice, Dumocrats!
Wasn't it bad enough that the government ran GM out of business with their stupid CAFE standards and their unadulterated love affair with the UAW? Can't these idiots see that any business worth it's salt (and wishing it's survival) has already left for India or Mexico? When you kill the goose that laid the golden egg, THERE AREN'T ANY MORE GOLDEN EGGS, YOU IDIOTS!!!
We keep hearing that 50,000,000 people don't have health care. How many of those are legal citizens of the US? How many can't get to a local ER for the free care that they MUST provide by law? How many have opted out of their employer-provided coverage for whatever reason, or simply are between coverages because of job loss or other employment issues?
That's what I thought!
"But Dan! Isn't just ONE person without health care one too many? Isn't health care a RIGHT?", it's not! There are two sure things in life and a lot of people seem to get by without experiencing one of them; death and taxes! We already HAVE a universal health care policy for those of you that haven't been paying attention; it's called Medicaid! How's that little experiment going, Dumocrats? You say it's going bankrupt, along with Medicare and Social Security? Why is that, Dumocrats?
Think about it!
I say, clean up the messes you've already made before you start another one! If you want to continue to fund Medicaid, then fund it and LEAVE THAT MONEY ALONE!!! Lord knows, I've paid a quarter of a million dollars into Social Security and what I've got right now is a government IOU with some future taxpayer's name on it! Your "steal from 'the rich' and give to the poor" scheme doesn't work, Dumocrats! "The rich" got that way because they're savvy with their cash and they know how to keep it out of your grubby little hands (if you don't believe me, ask Timothy Geitner!), so all you wind up doing is taxing ME more and God knows, I'm not rich!
Once again, lets get the government out of business where they HAVE no business! We have this little thing called a Constitution! I've read it and, quite frankly, I thought it said that powers not expressly granted to the Federal government were supposed to be granted to the states. Funny, I didn't see anything in there about a "right to free health care" or the idea that the Federal government should establish some national health system! It's time to revert to what the Constitution dictates and get rid of all of this ridiculous Utopian state-run boondoggle that we've allowed to be created!
We have a right to PURSUE happiness, not an absolute guarantee of it!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
A "Must Read!"
Hopefully, those of you who read here fairly often (BOTH of you!) can surmise for yourselves that I am fairly conservative. Sometimes, being conservative without being especially well-read in the law can be a handicap, especially when it comes to defending my viewpoints in the face of the completely inane nonsense that is presented by liberal defenders of THEIR viewpoints, none of which are based in logic or common sense, but in emotional knee-jerk reactions to this "crisis" or that.
Now, all I have to do is point to one book; Liberty and Tyranny - A Conservative Manifesto, by Mark R. Levin.
Dr. Levin, a lawyer by trade and a conservative talk-show host by profession, explains in great detail why liberals think as they do (or NOT think, as the case may be!) along a wide array of topics, from their insistence on the dismantling of capitalism to their even greater insistence on scuttling our very livelihoods in the name of extremist environmentalism.
It's all about power and who calls the shots, just as I've said all along!
In any case, if you've not read Levin's book, do yourself a HUGE favor and buy a copy and then read it from cover to cover. There's not a word wasted and it will thoroughly explain MUCH better than I ever could why I think the way that I do, especially since I agree with nearly all of the assertions made by this truly amazing author!
Now, all I have to do is point to one book; Liberty and Tyranny - A Conservative Manifesto, by Mark R. Levin.
Dr. Levin, a lawyer by trade and a conservative talk-show host by profession, explains in great detail why liberals think as they do (or NOT think, as the case may be!) along a wide array of topics, from their insistence on the dismantling of capitalism to their even greater insistence on scuttling our very livelihoods in the name of extremist environmentalism.
It's all about power and who calls the shots, just as I've said all along!
In any case, if you've not read Levin's book, do yourself a HUGE favor and buy a copy and then read it from cover to cover. There's not a word wasted and it will thoroughly explain MUCH better than I ever could why I think the way that I do, especially since I agree with nearly all of the assertions made by this truly amazing author!
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