Thursday, August 27, 2009
Michael Vick, Ted Kennedy, and PC run amok!
Michael Vick resumes his NFL career this evening with the Philadelphia Eagles.
As me if I care?
Frankly, I think it's fine. I mean, we're a Christian nation despite what Obama says! If anyone can appreciate a second chance, it's someone who's been redeemed by the sacrifice of Jesus for us all, so I think we need to understand the shortcomings of others and give them second chances when we can.
He among you who is without sin, cast the first stone!
Of course, the PC aspect of this is that PETA, who most people I know thinks is a bunch of fruitcakes and nut-jobs, has somehow managed to make a large group of people think that what Vick did was tantamount to the murder of a human being!
Look, what he did was terrible, reprehensible, and absolutely shameful, but it was not the same as the killing of a human being!
Not even in the same city, let alone ballpark!
Enough of Vick, already! The women of New England can breath a sigh of relief! The womanizing (allegedly) Ted Kennedy has finally gone to a much warmer place and taken his ultra-liberal politics with him! I'm not going to cry for a 77 year-old man who lived in the absolute lap of luxury, got just about anything and everything he ever wanted (including EXCUSED for the killing of at least one young woman), and did everything he possibly could to turn the US into a North American version of Red China! Vick at least did his penance and has shown signs of remorse for what he did! The coward Kennedy never admitted or showed contrition for any of his deeds!
Of course, the Dems have trotted out the notion that Obama's health care bill should be re-packaged as the "Kennedy Memorial Health Care Plan" in the hopes that they can actually garner some sympathy for the ostensibly failed package.
Look, Dumocrats! A bad idea is a bad idea regardless of who's name is on it!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Driving me CRAZY!!
Well, I'm taking a break from telling you how ridiculous the current administration, their policies and their proposals are; today I'm going to reprise my disgust with people who climb behind the wheel of their car with no more intention of driving a car than Ray Charles (and Ray was probably a better driver than most of these idiots!)
I understand driving for fuel economy; I do it myself. However, the optimal economy in almost any vehicle is achieved when you keep your RPMs at or below 2000 and, generally speaking, the rate at which you achieve that optimal engine speed has little or nothing to do with how much fuel is consumed in the process (within reason, of course!). Therefore, if you take off so slowly that your car spends most of its time at the upper ranges of that gear's range before it shifts to a lower gear, you're actually getting LESS fuel economy than you would if you simply got it up to speed and let it shift into a lower gear where the engine turns more slowly. GOT IT?
I didn't think so! If you did, you wouldn't go from 0 to 60 in 6.5 weeks and hold everyone else up! By the way, having to stop at every light because you've got turtles peeing on your tires costs you and everyone else a lot of gas as you sit there idling with your A/C blowing as well, you inconsiderate moron!
The other form of highway inconsideration that is driving me absolutely loony has to do with communication. I remember a time when no one, and I mean NO ONE was so important that they couldn't sacrifice contact with friends, co-workers, and loved ones for at least as long as it took to drive from A to B. In this modern age of instant communication via cell phone and the marriage of cellular technology to the Internet, no one can really get away from instant access to whomever they choose, even if they desired to do so. All that is fine and really useful under most circumstances, but the same guy who seems to be able to handle about ten things at once in an office or at home seems to turn into a jello-brain once he tries to drive and do ANY of the above at the same time. I'm serious! I've had to wake so many people up at red lights lately that my horn is about to wear out! I'm tired of getting run off the road as people attempt to text and drive at the same time! I've had it with cars moving fine in two lanes and that one car in the middle causing people to swerve and slam on their brakes because the driver of the slow car is too busy talking on a cell phone to pay attention to their direction or speed!
Here's a suggestion, morons! If you can't handle the cell phone AND the driving, do the one that will certainly kill people if you do it poorly! DRIVE THE FREAKIN' CAR FIRST!!!! Or better yet, if you're unable to do both, put down the phone and NEVER EVER pick it up in the car if you can't handle it!
Guess what? Even though you're usually in the giant Tahoe that no one else can see around, your car will crash and roll just like any other if you continue to drive like its Stevie Wonder behind the wheel! So, if you won't do it for us, do it for yourself, loser!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Town Halls
Of course, "discuss" isn't exactly what's been going on, but there've been groups of people showing up for one purpose or another!
If you've gone to one of the Obama-led meetings, you were hand-picked because you're able to shake a pom-pom and ask puffball questions that the Comedian-in-Chief can handle without his teleprompter telling him what to think!
If you went to a Shirley Jackson-Lee meeting, you learned that it's okay in "Shirley World" to ignore your constituents by answering your cell phone in the middle of a cancer survivor's question and then go on Greta Van Susteren's show a little later and lie about it while being equally rude to Greta!
If you went to Benedict Arnold "Arlen" Specter's town hall meeting, you're still "waiting a minute" since he told one poor old dude who had apparently been promised an opportunity to speak to "wait a minute" about 3500 times. If you're waiting all the minutes he told you to, you should be free to move about your home sometime next Thursday!
In all but the Obama-choreographed meetings, it should be apparent that America does not want and does not feel that it needs Obamacare! I've said before that I think it would be a good idea for them to clean up their Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security messes before they start another one, but that doesn't seem to be what they want! Frankly, as I've said before, I think they should phase Medicare and Medicaid out altogether and let market forces determine the cost of health care without the artificial influences of those "price-fixing" government entities, but, much like Social Security, it's not likely to happen as long as the elderly depend on the programs as they apparently do.
So sad to be fed a bill of goods like that! Sadder still that now we've all been suckered into placing ourselves into this situation where they can force this crap down our throats whether we want it or not!
Is it 2010 yet?
Monday, August 03, 2009
Life's little ironies!
The other day, I was pulled over for failing to fasten my seat belt. As the officer penned the ticket, a group of helmetless motorcyclists passed us doing what was probably at least 15, perhaps 20 miles per hour above the speed limit.
Am I not less likely to be deathified in a car crash without my seat belt than the motorcyclists without a helmet? Where's big daddy doing all he can to protect THEM from themselves?
By the way, I thought I had a constitutional right to kill myself if that's what I want to do? It MUST be constitutional! Oregon will pay for assisted suicide in lieu of life-saving cancer drugs, or haven't you heard? Not to say that that's the only thing they'll help you off yourself for, mind you, but that's the most bizarre example I've heard to date!
And speaking of killing yourself, hasn't big daddy gone on the rampage to stop cigarette smoking?! Have you SEEN the price of a pack of cigarettes these days? That's $5.50/pack in taxes of one kind or another, 15 cents for the retailer, and a nickel for Philip Morris! And that's here in TEXAS!! I've heard that in places like the People's Republic of New York, it's nearly twice that!
Look, I just want a little equity in all of this. If it's NOT okay for me to kill myself in my car by refusing to wear a seat belt, then it's not okay for a bunch of motorcyclists to go helmetless, either! I don't care how powerful their lobby is! However, as I've stated before, I think both are okay, as long as I'm not endangering someone else with my actions! I don't think my demise at the hand of a telephone pole is going to affect anyone other than me any more one way than the other, quite frankly!
Big Daddy government, get out of my life! I thought I had a right to privacy! Or does that only apply to pregnant women?