Friday, July 16, 2010

We need to outlaw FOOD!!!!

Hello again, blogfan!

The ridiculousness just keeps getting more and more absurd, so much so that words scarcely even begin to touch the ridiculousness of it all!

To wit; NAACP vs the Tea Party Movement!

According to the resolution, the NAACP has officially condemned the Tea Party movement as racist. They've done so regardless of the fact that such an allegation had already been raised and a reward of $100,000 posted to whoever could find credible evidence of ANY racism associated with the Tea Party! None of which has been forthcoming, no less!

On Sean Hannity's show the other day, a spokesman for the NAACP admitted that no evidence was available. However, according to the spokesman, movements LIKE the Tea Party movement (i.e., conservative movements) had been racist in the past and therefore the Tea Party presented a venue for potential racism and THEREFORE must be opposed!


Let's see....according to that logic, we must outlaw the following as well then:

1. Air. Breathing air contains the potential for future lung cancer, so we must all stop breathing immediately!

2. Food. Eating contains the potential for gluttony, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc., so we must all stop eating RIGHT NOW!!!

3. Work. We must outlaw work because work causes stress and stress causes all of the above!

4. Thought. People who think eventually reach the unavoidable conclusion that the NAACP is an antiquated irrelevant institution that is NOT concerned with racism UNLESS that racism is white on black racism. Any institution that was legitimate and relevant would denounce the "kill all the Crackers and kill their babies" smack from the new Black Panthers and then support their prosecution by the Federal Justice Department; actions and positions, mind you, that have NOT been taken by either the NAACP or Attorney General Holder. We must, therefore, outlaw THOUGHT since any thinking person comes to the inescapable conclusion that the NAACP is ridiculous!

Let's see; NAACP. That stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, right? How long has it been since it was PC to refer to people whose family tree began in Africa as "Colored?" I mean, we've gone through about 4 progressions since "colored" haven't we? We did "negro" and then "colored," right? Maybe it was the other way around, I don't remember. In any case, one or the other was followed by "black" and eventually by "African-American." Frankly, I don't think any of those labels is better than any other; we won't be where we need to be until we are all simply "American" and any other distinction is simply irrelevant. I mean, wasn't it MLK's dream that one day we would only be judged by the content of our character and NOT the color of our skin? Who, I ask you, continues to point to the color of skin as a prerequisite for judgement?

When you answer THAT question, you'll know who's racist and who's not!

In any case, the NAACP is exactly what it says it is; an organization who's sole purpose is to advance the cause of African-Americans, whether that cause is legitimate, illegitimate; just or unjust. Personally, the NAACP might actually have some merit if it denounced racism of ANY stripe, but it refuses to do so, much to it's own discredit!

Well, that's about it for now. Obama's approval rating is dropping right along the lines I said it would after that socialized medicine program passed! Stay tunes as conservatives take this country back in November!