Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I'll admit it; I have a lot of respect for atheists. I mean...such FAITH! Let's face it - we're surrounded by articles of blind faith all the time! The other day it occurred to me just how faithful you have to be to operate a motor vehicle. I drive on those "4-lane separated by a double-yellow stripe" type roads all of the time. What's to stop someone from simply saying "oh, yeah? That little bit of paint isn't going to stop ME" and just coming across into the oncoming lanes of traffic. Forget maliced intention - what's to say one of those guys doesn't have blow-out and swerve into oncoming traffice by accident? Driving, then, is a HUGE act of faith! You know what else is a huge act of faith? Atheism! How can anyone examine the evidence of God's existence and come to the conclusion that all of the order in the universe is some huge cosmic accident? I don't get it, but I'll hand it to the atheists - their faith MUST be significant to come to that conclusion in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary! What sort of evidence? Well, here's a few items of the hundreds I could present:

1. We can isolate all of the chemicals that make up a simple cell and mix them in the correct proportions, but we cannot make it live.

2. The earth is located 93 million miles from the sun - if it were further away, planetary temperatures would be too cold to sustain life; if it were closer, the planet would be a desert.

3. Even with identical genetic material, identical twins have unique fingerprints.

4. Despite exhaustive attempts to locate one, no link between modern man and the fossils of ancient humanoid creatures has ever been found. Modern man just "suddenly" appeared on the scene appromimately 50,000 years ago.

Now, I know the devout atheist will find a way to punch holes in these statements. Isn't that what the faithful do? Defend their faith? Absolutely! However, based upon the ever-changing science that forms the basis of their faith, these statements are incontovertible. We CAN in fact isolate and mix in proper proportion all of the chemicals in even the simplest cell (even an archeabacteria, known to live in the harshest of environments fills the bill!), but we cannot provide the spark of life! That honor belongs to God alone! The fact that the earth is in a perfect position to sustain our carbon-based life forms is also inarguable. It IS where it IS and if it were not there, life as we know it could not be sustained here for long! Identical twins DO have different fingerprints! But wait! I thought that chromosomes, made up of genes and genes made up of DNA controlled every aspect of our make-up? If two individuals have identical DNA, shouldn't they be identical in every way? I guess not! And then there's man. Archeologists and Paleontologists will tell you that Australopithecanus is the ancient ancestor of man and that he evolved from that line to the present. As evidence they'll tell you that the little monkey-like creature made and used tools, a sure sign of higher intelligence. Uh...I've seen a racoon break a clam on a rock! Is a racoon my ancestor, too? If monkeys evolved into human beings, why do we still have monkeys? Didn't they like being human? Maybe the air conditioning and the advantages of fire were too much for the little fellows! I mean, picking ticks off of your sister may be a lot of fun, but COME ON NOW!!!

Anyway, I admire atheists! It takes a lot of faith to ignore the truth and follow a lot of half-baked theories and suppositions as gospel! My faith only allows me to drive on the "four lanes separated by a double-yellow stripe" without worrying too much! (After all, if someone does have a blow-out and swerve into the oncoming traffice, I know where I'll be right after I draw my last breath! - Dan

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