Thursday, November 29, 2007

I LOVE this guy!

I would love every person in America, of every nationality or color, to read this column by Jason Whitlock. In it, Mr. Whitlock (an African American) mentions that the majority of African-American murder victims are killed by other African Americans, a phenomenon he refers to as "the Black KKK." He further mentions that, in the 50's and 60's, black Americans fought for the right to be educated on an equal footing with white Americans, naming the high school in Little Rock where the National Guard had to be brought in at that time so that 12 black teenagers could integrate that school. He said that now, at that same school (which is predominantly African American now), African-American teenagers gleefully throw away the opprotunity that their fathers fought so hard to gain. THEN he said that the hip-hop culture, which glorifies violence, thuggery, and ignorance, is advancing those causes at an alarming rate and perpetuating the very ills that hold his people down! I'm glad that all of this is coming from an African-American man; if I said it, I'd probably be villified and perhaps murdered myself. - Dan

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