An incident happened to MDB earlier that reminded me of one of my "hot buttons;" the disappearance of common courtesy and good old-fashioned manners in today's society.
It seems that MDB was carrying on a conversation with a friend when another lady came up and interrupted the conversation they were carrying on and interjected her own subject, all without apology or apparent awareness of the fact that what she'd done was just wrong!
This lady has an uncanny likeness to a cartoon character that my kids watched. But her appearance has little to do with what irks me about her behavior. Sadly, it's not even her; it's the trend in our society to mirror the behavior that she so clearly demonstrated this morning!

I wish her behavior was an aberration. Unfortunately, it is not. I see every day that children are NOT being taught what was once called "common" courtesy. Sadly, it's not nearly as common as it once was. Things that I would never dream of are typical now. I would NEVER stand in some one's personal space while they're clearly involved in something else already EXPECTING them to drop what they're doing and pay attention to me, but that sort of thing happens constantly now! I would NEVER interrupt someone else's conversation with one of my own, but that rude action is repeated multiple times every day in this day and age! I will strive to ALWAYS be on time for whatever it is I'm expected to attend. In fact, I generally make it a rule to be there at least 15 minutes early. I guess it's not that the acts described are rude or indicative of a lack of respect for others; it's just that such behaviors, at least to me, indicate that the actor believes that his/her time is somehow more valuable than mine or that whatever he/she has on his/her mind is much more important than whatever it is I'm engaged in at the moment. it's not!
To all you other piglets out there - whatever you've got on your mind is NOT more important that the thoughts or conversations of others! Your pressing matter is seldom if EVER more important than what's already being pursued! What you consider an emergency is hardly ever an actual emergency!
Get over yourself, piglet!
Uhhh....seminars are held for LEARNING!!!! People who attend them are there to LEARN!!!! If you already know everything in the world (or think you do), WHY ARE YOU GOING TO A SEMINAR?????
Stay home next time. Everyone already knows you're the smartest guy in the room. How could we not? You've been telling us for YEARS!!!
Stay home next time; Or, barring that, get there on TIME and LEARN HOW TO PUT A FREAKIN' CELL PHONE ON VIBRATE, FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!!!!
You'd think the smartest guy in the world would know how to read a clock and show up on time for a seminar AND would NOT get outsmarted by a cell phone CONTINUALLY, but then, evidence seems to be incontrovertible!
There.....I feel better now!
PS - Can you tell I've been to WAY too many seminars lately? Can we just get school started already?
Thanks! I feel better now!
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