The day before yesterday, I saw the above image on the back of a car in front of me from a distance. Frankly, I thought it was some sort of Catholic saint image or something until I got close enough to see that it was in fact an image of our President-elect, Barack Obama.
Look, I understand the euphoria that goes with the "Finally! Our guy won!" sentiment. I even understand the hope that change brings, especially if you're one of the unfortunate people who've lost large amounts of your personal wealth in the stock market. I can even understand the hopeful anticipation that goes with the "I made a dumb choice and lost my house; I hope Obama's able to bail me out!" sentiment (even if it turns my stomach to think that MY tax dollars are going to save some irresponsible moron's house!).
What I CAN'T understand, and what I will never understand, is the out and out WORSHIP of this guy! Uhhh.....he's just a MAN, people! I haven't seen a red "S" on his chest! I haven't seen the nail-scarred hands! I didn't see a halo last time I looked! He's not a saint; he's not a god; he's not even an accomplished politician at this point! Well....he's obviously a SUCCESSFUL politician....but what has he ever DONE to deserve all of this praise?
Only time will tell. He may well accomplish some good, at which point I'll say, "You know what? Obama actually DID some good things! I sure am glad I was wrong about him!"
Until he does....I'll reserve my judgement and continue to wonder what on earth people see in this guy that's worthy of worship!
By the way, I worship the one true God who manifests Himself to us in three persons, the Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!
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