Thursday, March 26, 2009

NOW I see what's been going on!

Hello, dear blogfans!

For some time now, any who have read here know that I think much of our troubles today began and ended with the "everyone gets a trophy" mentality that has overtaken our society.

You know what I'm talking about; junior's team finishes dead last and the only thing junior won all year was the greatest number of splinters in his backside award...

...but he still got a trophy!

I didn't know they gave trophies for collecting splinters!

Guess I was wrong!

Well, it's been that way for at least twenty years now and if anyone tried to say anything about it, well...they were just un-American! What's the harm in trying to build up their little self-esteems, anyway?

Well, I'll tell you what the harm is! We've developed a whole generation of kids who think that the world owes them something whether they do anything to earn it or not! They think that they can put as little or as much as they want into an effort and, lo and behold, everyone gets the same reward in the end!

Hmmm....sounds a lot like SOCIALISM, doesn't it?

Well, that's exactly what it is and we, through our "go along to get along" attitude about it, have stood by and watched a whole generation get indoctrinated into socialism right under our noses!

Devious, they are!

Right now, before it's too late, we need to reverse this course and award trophies only to those who earn them, in every walk of life!

Maybe its too late already.

I hope not!

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