Saturday, September 05, 2009

Obama on education

Here's a new one; I think the President of the United States ought to be able to address the schoolchildren of America without all the hoopla! The fact is, parents need to do their job and inform their children!

What a sad day it is when we can't trust the guy to deliver a plain ol' "stay in school, work hard, get a good education and be a productive member of society" message. What a sad day indeed!

What a sad day when parents are concerned that their parenting skills will be overridden by a US President! I'd have to say, "listen to him, kids! If he tries to indoctrinate you into National Socialism, I'll set you straight!"

There are so many sad things about this day, it's hard to know where to begin! Superintendents of school districts across the country are being asked to take sides; show the President and risk a schism among the parents of the district or don't show him and risk the same! The bottom line here is, we have a President who has managed to polarize this country like none I can remember and he basically did it in a very simple way; he said one thing during his candidacy and now he's doing another thing altogether (i.e., he lied to us!) and, like any other liar, we simply don't trust him now!

The worst of all is the hypocrisy that is coming to the fore. You say, "Let's show the President's address and if your kids don't like it, you can tell us and we'll send them to an alternate location to do something else!" If I said, "let's allow prayer in school; if your kids don't like it, they can go somewhere else while everyone else enjoys it!" , you'd say "Uh, it's not fair to single out certain kids or make them feel somehow inferior. We cannot allow it!"

Well, you DID say the latter, so where's the fairness in the former? It's strictly a double standard (something libs are EXCELLENT at, BTW!) and I don't know how any fair minded individual could ever even SUGGEST it!

What do you expect from the same folks who brought you "(you) travel in a shoebox that gets 400 mpg to save the planet and we'll meet you in the private jet that belches enough greenhouse gas to destroy the entire ozone layer in about 30 minutes!"

Hypocrisy everywhere!

So, go ahead and say what you want, Mr. President. With your track record, no one except the blindest of your minions will believe what you say anyway!

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