Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Society's Going to Hades in a Manual Cartage Device!

Hello again, blogfans!

I saw a piece on one of those news magazine shows the other night that curdled my blood. Apparently, the so-called "Millenial" generation doesn't like the idea of working their way up the corporate ladder into prosperity; they want to be hired at or near the top and if they don't get it they'll bring mom or dad into the CEO's office to register a complaint!

What's this world coming to?

According to the show, the whole attitude is to be blamed on the "Mister Rogers" culture that expressed the unique character of everyone and stressed that everyone is special in their own way. It also stems from the "everyone gets a trophy regardless of achievement (or lack thereof)" movement that most of my own kids went through. I would have said something, but the world was being run by soccer moms who insisted that THEIR special darlings should not only get a trophy but should play every minute of every game and THAT at shortstop!

"Ma'am, I'm sorry; your kid's going to get hurt at shortstop. He can't field his way out of a wet paper bag and his reaction time is slightly less than frozen honey. I've got a nice spot for him, though. Bring your binoculars to the game - he'll be in right field."

Somewhere between reality and "everyone gets a trophy," the millenials decided that they really WERE special and they deserved the very best regardless of whether they were properly prepared for it or were even able to do the work! Here's a sad dose of reality, Millenials. If I have to do your job AND my job, then I don't need YOU! I hope that doesn't damage your tender sensibilities, but we've got a lot of work to do if we're going to put Humpty together again and we need all hands on deck! So, put down the Blackberry, back away from the half-caff mocha latte', and get busy!

What do you mean you don't know how to read?

More tomorrow on how it is that L'il Johnny managed to get a high school diploma that he can't read and how the problem isn't getting better under "no child left behind" but is actually getting worse!

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