Well.....vacation's over and it's time to get back to work!
Today the only thing we did was get up and eat the delicious breakfast from the B and B, pack it up and head home!
As we were coming in on I-10, one of those "news" signs flashed the fact that the highway was closed in Houston (what a SHOCK!!! They NEVER do any work on I-10......Uhhh.....change "never" to "always" and now you know how often I-10 is under construction in Houston!!!), so we made a quick exit in Sealy and headed for Rosenburg. That was pretty fortuitous, actually, because it gave us an opportunity to head back to the antique store in Rosenburg where MDB saw a pair of candlestick holders she wanted. Last time we were there, we'd seen them, but held off on buying them at that time, so we scooped them up this go-around! Woo-hoo!
Our garden was a bit overgrown......(imagine an okra that's about a foot and a half long)....but it's all back to normal now!
I was hoping we'd have eggplant when we got back, but they're not ready yet. There are TONS of them set and growing, but none big enough to pick just yet. I have picked some peppers from the pepper plants, but they're very small for some reason. I've got to start watering more often, I guess.

Somehow, my little blog made it's way to the God's Pottery MySpace page and people from there stampeded my little corner of the planet! Not that I mind the extra traffic, but when you're used to getting 20 or so hits a day and that goes up to 120 all in one day, it's interesting, to say the least!
Having read some of what people have posted on the GP MSpage, it's possible that God's Pottery is genuinely interested in spreading the gospel of Jesus and is NOT trying to clown Christians or a Christian worldview. If that's the case and I'm somehow the only one who doesn't really "get" it, please accept my apology, GP. Lord knows, what this world needs is a big dose of Jesus and if self-deprecating humor is what it takes to get that job done then, who am I to say that's a bad thing?
Dan dear, you wrote,
I have picked some peppers from the pepper plants, but they're very small for some reason.
Careful, friend. I bought a small plant at Wal-Mart beginning of the season - it was marked "bell pepper" - middle of last week I found three small, very deep yellow, almost orange baby bells. I laughed at the small size, brought them in, cut one up in that day's lunchtime salad. I decided to take a small bite out of it and my head almost exploded with the taste of my very favorite chile - Habanero!!! LOL
So check carefully. :)
Send you my love and thrill at hearing you so positive and happy!!!!!
Great to hear from you. I started to answer your post on the chat board but I don't have the link to the liberal politics board everyone references all the time, so I thought it best to keep quiet, not having all of the information.
If I got your drift, though, I'd have to say, based upon my limited knowledge of scripture, that Obama is NOT the antichrist. He may be the "warm-up act" per se, but he doesn't qualify as the "little horn," the way I read Daniel.
I'll definitely watch the peppers! We planted these from seed and the package claimed them to be bell peppers.....
Habaneros are WAY too hot for me!
LIC (thanks for writing!), Dan
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