Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sticking it to "The Man!"

It's now well over a month since the latest presidential election and, having listened to what has transpired since then from Obama supporters, I'm convinced it was all about one thing and one thing only;

Sticking it to "The Man!"

Oh, you've heard it as well. People who claim to have voted for Obama going through a list of questions about his policies having NO IDEA what those policies actually are! In one instance, an Obama supporter was presented with a top-down list of McCAIN'S policies, right down to his choice for VP (Sarah Palin), and the Obama supporter was in favor of all of them! I've heard the same thing over and over on talk radio, primarily the Mark Levin show (an intellectual exercise I would recommend for any thinking American!), but also on Michael Berry's show. One supporter with whom I recently held conversation espoused staunch belief in our capitalist system with regard to the auto maker bailout, then turned right around and expressed out and out GLEE concerning the upcoming inauguration of Obama, the closest thing to a socialist candidate we've seen in my lifetime! The bottom line: Obama supporters in many cases, did not vote for Obama because they agree with what he stands for, but rather because of his complexion!

They're "Sticking it to 'The Man!' "

Here would be an interesting experiment. In 2012, let's present an obscure conservative candidate and, if that candidate does not happen to be African-American, let's present him publicly wearing black face make-up. Make him appear to be African-American in every way. I think it would be interesting to find out what kind of support he'd garner!

Meanwhile, Martin Luther King Jr. is turning in his grave. It's NOT about the content of one's character, apparently, but about the color of one's skin!

I think we Americans did not stick it to "The Man," but stuck it to ourselves.

Only time will tell!

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