Thursday, December 11, 2008

To bail or not to bail...

...that is the question!

According to this article, the Senate is about to cave as well, and continue the enabling that the market and especially the unions have started!

Anyone out there ever heard of K-Mart? How about Continental Airlines? There are numerous other examples, of course, but companies come out of bankruptcy all the time, restructured, leaner, and more profitable than ever. Why are the car companies, those bastions of endless charity for labor, any exception?

Why not ask why has the government been in the endless welfare business since the early 60's? Why Social Security? Why Medicare? Why any other government program that is ostensibly meant to help but only ends up causing dependants who are unable, or simply unwilling, to take the reigns of their own destiny?

The last thing the auto industry in this country needs is a government bail out. They DO need to rework their CBAs; they DO need to get leaner and start producing products that are fuel-efficient and stylish; AND they need to restructure their management and pay salaries to CEOs that are more in line with profitability (you know...those merit-based salaries that get foisted off on the blue-collar rabble!)

I hope Washington is listening! If they bail out the Big Three now, you'd better get used to the idea of them coming back every 6 months or so for more.

That's what happens when you serve as the enabler!

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