Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Well, another wonderful Christmas at home with MDB!

It was another strange and wonderful week in Brownsworld! It was announced that Mike Holmgren has agreed to fill the position of "Football Czar" with the Browns a week after Josh Cribbs set the all-time NFL record for career kick-off return touchdowns AND the all-time Browns single game rushing record (and the third most in NFL history) was set by Jerome Harrison!

Of course, Kansas City was the opponent, but THAT doesn't matter, does it?

Mangenius has the Browns playing half-way decent the last couple of weeks, so maybe they can close out on a high note and get some momentum going into next year!

Meanwhile, MDB got me a new leaf blower (my request) for Christmas and a card to Lowe's. I was planning on getting a power washer, but I may spend it on our new patio cover...

...I haven't decided!

I got her jewelery from James Avery, a new leather jacket and a Wii game (well....we got each other the Wii game) and she seemed happy with it all!

So....Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Uncharted waters

Hello again, blogfan!

We're in uncharted waters tonight. My "Light" team won again last night by the lopsided score of 62 to 41, taking their record to 4-0. As I'd hoped for, the team that gave us a game (in the end...we had them down by 21 and had to take our foot off the gas per league rules) last week rose up and beat the only other undefeated team, leaving us alone in first! When we come back from the Christmas break, we face a 2-2 team that we really shouldn't have any problem with, and then play three teams in a row that are sub .500.

THAT'S the scary part! I'm afraid that we'll play a bunch of soft competition, get soft ourselves, and then play that other team to close out the season as a soft and unprepared basketball team.

I can only say....I'd rather be where we are than where THEY are!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pointy-headed libs at it again!

Hello again, blogfan!

Well, it seems as though the pointy-headed libs at the University of Texas (smack-dab in the middle of the People's Republic of Austin) are upset that the University increased Mack Brown's salary to $5 million per year. It seems that the poor faculty of that cash-strapped university is upset that, at this time of financial tumult, a sports figure would be offered a raise.

Anyone up there ever heard of Capitalism? Uhhh....its the financial system of this country, Mr. and Ms. pointy-headed liberal economics professors!

Coach Brown has once again taken his Longhorn football program to the national championship game, which, in and of itself, would warrant a raise. He has taken UT football to a plateau that it has never known before, not even in the time of the revered and renowned Daryl Royal, which means that it is bringing in MEGA bucks! According to the article, Coach Brown's salary is paid entirely by receipts of the UT athletic program and has no impact on the receipts of the university, either pro or con. IN FACT, the article says that the UT athletic program has generously donated some 6.6 MILLION dollars to UT academics in recent years despite having no mandate to do so.

Sounds like a little socialism gone amok there, pointy headed libs!

I tell you what. Why don't you FIRE Mack Brown and hire some nobody that will bring in no recruits, no acclaim, and no success; THEN you can control the government-issued piece of pie that's left and act as though you had it coming all along!

You people are stupid, degree or no degree!


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Houston, we have a problem!

So, Houston now has the nation's first openly gay mayor.

Does that qualify her to govern, or is it just a statement of some sort from the nation's gay rights activists?

Well, duh!?!?

She CLEARLY was not the most qualified candidate, but every gay, lesbian, cross-dressing, hermaphrodite weirdo in the country got behind her with a national fundraising effort, attempting to make her candidacy a referendum on the legitimacy of being gay instead of how well (or not well) she would govern Houston.

Thanks for not showing up, NORMAL Houston!

You know, I don't throw that term "normal" or "abnormal" around loosely. From any perspective (except the gay perspective, of course) homosexuality is simply NOT normal. What IS normal? From a simple statistical standpoint, "normal" is any part of the bell curve that falls within two standard deviations of the mean. Typically, "normal" encompasses about 95% of the sample population, which means that about 5% of any population could be expected to be "abnormal" in some way. This, of course, is why the gay rights people are so adamant about pronouncing that, according to them, 10% of the population is homosexual. THAT would mean that about 50% of that population falls withing the range of "normal." Which half is abnormal, gay rights guy? The half that becomes a priest and molests little boys or the half that becomes a serial killer and eats people?

Just wondering...

In any case, even if you buy the gay rights statistics (which I clearly DON'T by the way!!!), look at it from a clearly anatomical standpoint. Sex, by its very nature, is meant to cause propagation of the species. We're built so that the female partner donates 23 chromosomes and the male partner donates the other 23 and the zygote winds up with the normal number of 46. Although I do not mean by any stretch of the imagination to be insensitive, this is exactly why Down's Syndrome children are not normal; they have an extra chromosome (47) that causes any number of physical problems for them.

Having an extra chromosome falls within the 5% of the population that could be considered "abnormal" from a statistical standpoint. I'm sorry if that offends some; but it IS the truth!

Anyway, try as they might to represent themselves as "normal" through "Partner" adoption, artificial insemination, or some other form of parenthood by artificial means, gay unions are not capable of procreation in the manner intended by God.

They are therefore, NOT normal!

All that said, it's clearly a sickness that activists do whatever they can to push their agenda DESPITE what may or may not be good or acceptable from the standpoint of pure governance. Anise Parker was caught in several untruths during the course of the campaign, ranging from fabrications of her own voting record while on city council to made up endorsements.

Well, since the Clinton years, we know that lying isn't that big a deal to the electorate....

even if it SHOULD be!!!

So, much like the nation in which it resides, Houston is stuck with an unqualified, if decidedly PC candidate for at least 4 years.

I hope I'm not anywhere near here when the wheels fall off!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

3-0; NOW what do we do?

Well, dear blogfan, it's been a wonderful and strange week in Dan's sports world; my 7th-grade "A" team is 3-0 and tied for first place in the district, and my beloved Browns actually won a game, beating the despised (pronounced dE- SPIZE- eD) Steelers and essentially knocking them out of any hope they may have had for the playoffs this year (snicker...snicker...). Strange and wonderful, no?

My "A" basketball team is special. They don't look it, but they're absolutely the most athletic bunch of kids I've ever coached! Even better, they put the ball in the basket when they get and take a shot! I've had teams in the past who worked really hard, got a good look at the basket, but actually put it in the hole at an alarmingly pitiful rate! Well, this bunch gets the good looks AND sinks the shots they get! AMAZING!!!!! They scored 64 last week and 53 this week. I hate to sound like I'm bragging, but that's a LOT of points in only 28 minutes of basketball especially when you consider that on the night they scored 64 the clock ran for the whole 4th quarter!

This past week, we built up a 21 point lead before we had to stop pressing (league rules prohibit pressing with a 20+ point lead) only to finish with only a 5-point margin of victory. Having to take our foot off of the gas took us out of our rhythm.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

This week, we face a team that lost last week to the only other undefeated team in the district, so this is going to be another tough week in basketball! Fortunately, the team who made such a valiant come-back on us this past week faces the other undefeated team; maybe (good Lord willing) WE'LL be the only one left standing after the week is over! That would be AWESOME!!! I hate to hope for someone else's demise, but we don't face them ourselves until the final week of the season, so what's wrong with hoping that someone gets to them before WE do?

On the other front, it sure is nice to see my Browns play well for a change!

Well, it may have been more of a function of Pittsburgh playing poorly, but who (outside of Pittsburgh) is going to look this gift horse in the mouth? Certainly not I!!!

The Browns sacked Rothlisberger (sp?) 8 times overall, I believe. about a little protection for Big Ben, what do you say Steeler's O-line? Didn't he just recover from a concussion? Seems to me like you'd want to offer a little more protection for your franchise quarterback than that........I'm just saying!!!

I'm not complaining, mind you! It was really nice to see Brown and Orange all over that black and yellow, not to mention the pain and bewilderment in his eyes, but, were I a Pittsburger, I think I'd be looking for a little more "max protection" calls from Mike Tomlin and a lot fewer "everyone in the pattern" calls......I'm just saying!!!

What was really nice was the fact that the Browns seemed to be able to run on Pittsburgh almost at will, especially in the first half. Josh Cribbs did to them what he usually does; slice and dice like a vegamatic on steroids! Why would anyone wearing black and yellow EVER punt a ball to Josh Cribbs? Do they have game tape in Pittsburgh? Has anyone seen what Josh Cribbs ALWAYS does to Pittsburgh? Maybe they should consider NOT punting the ball to him anymore...I'm just saying!!!

Well, that's enough advice for the evil empire. They have enough else to worry about, what with searching for a new head coach and all. Maybe they can bring Chuck Noll back; he was such a breath of fresh air, wasn't he?

He made Bill Belichick look like Robin Williams in comparison!

I'm just saying!!!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

basketball, broken arms, and multiculturalism!

Hello again, blogfan!

Well, another busy week in the books! My 7th graders came on strong again this week and took a lopsided 64 - 31 victory over another team that I've never been able to beat! Looks like it's going yo be a good year! I told them Thursday that putting that kind of whooping on someone has pluses and minuses. The big plus is that teams in the district see the same scores we see and it adds a little fear factor to us walking in the gym. The big minus is that other teams see the same scores we see and it puts a big bulls eye on us! Oh well; I'd rather be where we are than where they are!

I told one of the parents the other day (who was bubbling because of our early-season success) that I've coached this bunch pretty much the same way I've coached every other team I've ever had. The difference with this bunch is that they're actually going out and executing the things we've worked on!

You can go from idiot to genius in about two nanoseconds in this business! Coaches with good athletes are geniuses by and large and the ones without them are idiots (or so it would seem!).

This Wednesday we have our first home game. The team we play is one that is always tough but I've managed to get wins over two of the last three years. Their coach is pretty well schooled in the game and always has his teams prepared for us. I say we've beat them two of the last three years; we've beat them in the tournament at the end of the year despite losing our regular-season game against them. This year I'd like to get the regular-season game and let the tournament take care of itself!

It's a strange year so far! 5 of the ten teams in the district are undefeated at 2-0 and 5 do not have a victory! STRANGE!!! I'm glad to be one of the teams at 2-0! It's hard getting motivated when you know your season is already over with only two games in the can!

Toward the end of our game this week, a kid from the other team fell down and broke his arm. From all appearances, both the radius and the ulna were pretty much snapped in two, though the skin was not broken. Despite that, there was MAJOR deformation (it was UGLY!!!) and naturally, a lot of pain! Having been trained for 15+ years as an EMT in my former career, I went to see if I could help and wound up doing the splinting. The young man was able to hold the clipboard (all they could find for a splint was a clipboard) without a sling, so we tucked it under his arm and off to the ER he went (mom was at the game, thank goodness!!!). Thursday, I sent an e-mail to the opposing coach and asked him how the young man was doing. The coach e'd back that he was set to either have surgery or get the bone set that day and that the ER doctor was very pleased with the job I'd done with the splint. He also passed along gratitude from the mother who was very happy that her son had been efficiently and professionally taken care of in his time of need. Then the phone started ringing; the 7th-grade AP called and left a message with a voice mail from the mom in question attached. She had called my school and left a very nice message praising the work I'd done on her son. THEN the school principal called and enclosed the same message! THEN I got down to the coaches office and our AD played it for me AGAIN!!! WOW!!! It's nice to be appreciated!

Meanwhile, I hope the young man is doing okay; he did not cry during the whole ordeal despite what must have been excruciating pain and he exhibited a great deal of courage!

My thoughts on multiculturalism probably ought to go on a whole new entry, but here's the gist of it; pride in America is waning because we have inculcated in our youth that what we honor is NOT the country that allows us the freedom to celebrate our cultural differences, but the country from which those traditions arose. Put simply, we need to make sure our young people realize a few things; America is the greatest country ever to grace planet Earth! The constitution of this country allows people to be different while still being Americans! That said, if you live here, if you draw your sustenance here, if you make your living here, you need to honor and pay tribute to the country that allows you the freedoms you enjoy! Try NOT honoring China in China! Go to Mexico and tell them that America is WAY better than Mexico and see what happens to you! Have pride in your heritage, but realize that you're an American now and America is the country that needs and DESERVES all of your allegiance and pride both now and in the future!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Why don't some black athletes do what the libs want?

Hello again, blogfan!

I listen to a lot of sports talk radio, so I hear frequently from listener-callers about how they wish Tiger Woods and/or Michael Jordan would speak out about social issues. Jim Brown, the best running back in the history of football and notorious advocate for social change, has mentioned this, most recently in an interview on the Jim Rome show. Brown basically wished out loud that either Tiger, Jordan, or both would use their considerable sway with the public to elicit change in public policy.

So, why don't they do it?

Well, obviously liberal agents of change ASSUME that black athletes like Jordan or Woods would trumpet the "party line" and sing for Obama-esque change; more government assistance, affirmative action, and government control over whatever CAN be controlled by government. However, what would happen if their assumption is wrong? What if Woods and other insanely rich black athletes would take a conservative stand and ask people to assume personal responsibility for their own well-being? Not only would that be treacherous to "their roots" in the eyes of the libs, but it would severely undermine whatever credibility they enjoy in African-American culture, or at least the liberal version of it.

Maybe Woods and Jordan know this and therefore refuse to say anything at all! At least they don't risk the ire of the community that hold them up as examples of success by not speaking out.

How ironic would it be if THAT were the case?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Busy week!

Well, there's lots going on, so lets get to it!

The Senate votes today on whether they should debate their version of the health care bill. Republicans vow to filibuster, but the Dumocrats have the 60 votes they need to bring it to a vote if they vote in lock-step (like they do on everything else!), so don't be surprised if it comes to debate, passes, and goes to conference.

The Dumocrats just don't get it; we don't WANT nationalized health care! It doesn't work anywhere it's been tried! In fact, the several states that have similar plans in place already are going broke faster than the rest of the states and SURELY wish they could go back (but we all know that once you've opened this can of worms a la Social Security, Medicare, etc., it's next to impossible to put that lid on again!), but it's too late.

Dumocrats just don't learn the lessons of history!

Did Socialism work in the Soviet Union or in Eastern Europe? Has it been a huge success in Korea, Viet Nam, or any other country you can name? Oh, and don't get off on China! They adopted (very successfully I might add!) Capitalism a long time ago. The difference there, of course, is that they have a HUGE, VERY CHEAP labor pool upon which to build their brand of Capitalism and that is exactly why they have been so successful in world markets!

In short, please pray with me that a few Dumocrats actually LISTEN to their constituents and vote NOT to proceed instead of voting "aye."

Write it down: if this bill passes, it's the absolute beginning of the end of this Republic.

Then there's this; my kids are coming for our Thanksgiving celebration today! Woo-hoo! I'm really proud of all of them! They're all making positive steps toward a long and happy life! It should be a lot of fun!

Finally, my 7th graders went to BHI to play the Bears on Wednesday. Now, everyone (I guess) has that rival that they can never seem to get past. BHI has been ours. I've coached at PVI for 6 years and I've never had a team that's beat them. They get superior athletes year in and year out and they have very good coaches who have them prepared to play and prepared for whatever we throw at them. As I said, we haven't beat them in six years and who knows how long it'd been before that.

Well, that all changed on Wednesday! We beat BHI to start our season (34-30) and now we're tied for first place in the district! The boys played their hearts out! Naturally, being the first game of the season, we didn't execute our offense all that well, but our defense was outstanding and BHI was never really able to get going against us! What a hoot!

Oh well, that's enough for now! Pray with me that socialized health care in this country does NOT happen. We can't afford it and, as bad as I feel for those who don't have health care for whatever reason, sinking the ship to make sure everyone is in the same water just doesn't make any sense!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Going Rogue!

Well, Sarah Palin has been all over the news recently doing interviews and pimping her new book, "Going Rogue." Naturally, the left has done everything they can to discredit her.

Of course, they don't challenge her on the issues because they have no basis for such a challenge. They go straight to their favorite tact, "the politics of personal destruction," and attempt to discredit her personally rather than ideologically.

Why do they fear her so?

Simple. Sarah Palin is intelligent, well-spoken, down-to-earth, firm in her beliefs, and....

wait for it....


You see, the libs have come to see themselves as the "owners" of women's issues. You know, equality in the workplace, the right to decide about their own bodies, the right to exist as an autonomous entity, etc. So here comes Sarah Palin, a working woman who chooses to be happily married, chooses to have children, chooses to find strength in family and faith AND chooses to succeed despite coming from the polar opposite side of the political spectrum as the libs (who believe its not POSSIBLE to succeed without THEM)! The fact is, they can't afford, literally AND figuratively, for her "template" to be seen as a viable alternative for women because it discredits THEIR contention that theirs is the only way for a woman to be seen as successful.

I've got to hand it to her; she's taking on all comers. Her interview on Oprah was one of the best I've seen, but you would fully expect "O" to toe the party line and do everything she could to pull the rug out from under her. Props to you, Oprah! You played it fair and Palin came across as honest, intelligent, well-spoken, and right on the issues.

What a shock since she IS those things!

Take note, libs! This is a conservative nation and Palin is the flag bearer for the conservative movement at the moment; attack at your own risk!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day!

Hello blogfan!

I'd be remiss indeed if I let this day pass without a heartfelt "Thank You!!!" to all of our veterans. The freedoms I enjoy today were bought and paid for with their toil, sweat, blood, and tears and I've done little, if anything, to earn any of it. So, thank you, men and women of the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard; I owe you a debt of gratitude and I'll NEVER be able to pay it back!

I was fortunate, I guess. As I came up through High School, the Viet Nam war was in full force. Oh, there was talk of cease-fire and an eventual end to the conflict, but we'd been hearing that for how long? Almost as long as I could remember! So, I turned 16 in 1973 and those "don't forget to register for the draft" notices started coming to the house, I grew concerned that I may have to go to Viet Nam. A lot of my friends were already talking about going to Canada, burning their draft cards or simply not responding, but I'd already decided that I was going to do my duty and report if I were called.

I never got an opportunity to make that choice. The war ended in 1974, the draft was discontinued not long afterward, so that dreaded notice never came and I never had to serve.

I often wondered how things would have been different if I DID have to go. Would I have come back? If so, would I have been in one piece? I only know one thing; God knew what path my feet would take and I can only thank Him that I am here today to share this with any who care to read it.

I thank God and I thank our veterans, many of whom did NOT come back and allowed me the opportunity to not go at all. Thank you, veterans!

Monday, November 09, 2009

When computers get in the way

Wow! Two posts in two days! It's a miracle!

Well, not really, but it may seem like one!

Anyone who knows me at all KNOWS that I think the technology that's available to us today is remarkable, EXTREMELY useful, and a wonderful contribution to society far more often than it is a detractor.

That said, it IS a detractor at times and it is for us, the users of said technology, to figure out when it gets in the way of progress and avoid those applications!

To wit: Once upon a time, in my previous career, my department occasionally had to write up accident reports. Sometimes, legal wheels would begin turning before the mess was fully cleaned up and people from Corporate would immediately start pressuring us for our report. WAY in the early days of computer usage in business when we had ONE to share for our entire department, we typically wrote such reports by hand, gave them to the department secretary to type up, proofread them for corrections, mistakes, or other changes, sent them back for a final copy, signed it and sent it up the chain of command. On one occasion, just such an accident had taken place and, as the guy on call, I had to get the investigation done and issue the report. It was a case of "legal wheels turning," because I had scarcely returned to the office when the phone was ringing, looking for the report. I wrote it up as quickly as I could, told the secretary that it was a "needed it yesterday" report, and asked that she drop pretty much everything and get to it right away. She acknowledged me and, ostensibly, got to work. I went to work on something else and, after what I considered to be a reasonable time, went to get the report.

But she hadn't even started it yet!

When I asked her what was taking so long (even with my HORRENDOUS skill on a typewriter I could have written it about ten times already!!!), she said that she was trying to learn a new computer program and was having difficulty with some of the commands (an old DOS-based program).

I probably wasn't very diplomatic, but I instructed her to write it up on the typewriter and learn her program when it was a little more convenient to the flow of work through the office!


Anyway, I said all of that to say this: computers STILL get in the way at times and when we reinvent the way we do things JUST to make sure we include technology JUST for the sake of using technology, we're missing sight of the what we're trying to produce (the product) in favor of HOW it's produced. If the old way produces just as good a product in LESS time with LESS hassle, I say keep with it until the application of technology catches up!


Sunday, November 08, 2009

Good job, Dumocrats!

Well, despite the stinging repudiation from the electorate during last Tuesday's election, the Dumocrats went ahead with their planned destruction of capitalism and voted up on their stupid health care reform legislation.

Yes, it theirs, lock, stock, and barrel. I hope they're big enough to own it in 2010 when the electorate will speak again about their displeasure with the measure!

Unfortunately, I'm afraid it will be too late at that point. Much like Social Security or Medicare, it may be too late to put the cap back on the bottle at that point and put things back in the hands of the free market. Too many people dependent on the largess of government


How sad that we've come to a place where so many people are willing to trade freedom for so-called security.

I guess it's like a lot of other things. We've got to hit absolute rock bottom, where government dictates absolutely EVERYTHING about your life, before people look up and go "remember when I didn't have to have a permit to flush the commode? Do you recall, back in 2009, when we could go to any doctor we wanted to see? I remember seeing grandma at the old folks home; that was before the government decided that geriatric care was too expensive and mandatory euthanasia went into effect! I wish we still had freedom in this country!"

I won't forget, that's for sure!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Black is white; white is black!

Hello again, blogfan!

Today, it's unAmerican to tell a liar that he's a liar; or so it seems.

Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina reacted emotionally to Obama's claim that illegal aliens have never been on the projected roles of those he intends to cover with "Obamacare."

Obama lied, but everyone nodded politely and agreed with the lie because it's not nice to NOT agree with the liar while he's still lying! Joe's only mistake in my eyes was his choice of place and time!

Obama and the cronies he keeps trotting out to replay his lies keeps telling us that nearly 20% of Americans are without health insurance. Well, we KNOW that 10% are without it since his stimulus bill that failed to stimulate anything except the pockets of his cronies has driven unemployment up to nearly 10%, but what about the other half of their claims? Most of the rest of the people he's talking about have no legitimate claim to any largess of the US taxpayer in any case because they're here ILLEGALLY! What's worse (and this is truly the dirty little secret that Obama doesn't want you to know), nearly ALL of the ailments THEY would seek treatment for under Obamacare are already covered under existing programs OR the "mandatory treatment in the ER" laws that already exist!

This in not about health care; it's about grabbing as much power and money as possible while he's got a double-majority in Congress!

In short, he's lying to us (again!). Poor Joe didn't time it well, but he's the only one who spoke the truth during the president's speech the other night!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Obama on education

Here's a new one; I think the President of the United States ought to be able to address the schoolchildren of America without all the hoopla! The fact is, parents need to do their job and inform their children!

What a sad day it is when we can't trust the guy to deliver a plain ol' "stay in school, work hard, get a good education and be a productive member of society" message. What a sad day indeed!

What a sad day when parents are concerned that their parenting skills will be overridden by a US President! I'd have to say, "listen to him, kids! If he tries to indoctrinate you into National Socialism, I'll set you straight!"

There are so many sad things about this day, it's hard to know where to begin! Superintendents of school districts across the country are being asked to take sides; show the President and risk a schism among the parents of the district or don't show him and risk the same! The bottom line here is, we have a President who has managed to polarize this country like none I can remember and he basically did it in a very simple way; he said one thing during his candidacy and now he's doing another thing altogether (i.e., he lied to us!) and, like any other liar, we simply don't trust him now!

The worst of all is the hypocrisy that is coming to the fore. You say, "Let's show the President's address and if your kids don't like it, you can tell us and we'll send them to an alternate location to do something else!" If I said, "let's allow prayer in school; if your kids don't like it, they can go somewhere else while everyone else enjoys it!" , you'd say "Uh, it's not fair to single out certain kids or make them feel somehow inferior. We cannot allow it!"

Well, you DID say the latter, so where's the fairness in the former? It's strictly a double standard (something libs are EXCELLENT at, BTW!) and I don't know how any fair minded individual could ever even SUGGEST it!

What do you expect from the same folks who brought you "(you) travel in a shoebox that gets 400 mpg to save the planet and we'll meet you in the private jet that belches enough greenhouse gas to destroy the entire ozone layer in about 30 minutes!"

Hypocrisy everywhere!

So, go ahead and say what you want, Mr. President. With your track record, no one except the blindest of your minions will believe what you say anyway!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Michael Vick, Ted Kennedy, and PC run amok!

Hello again, blogfan!

Michael Vick resumes his NFL career this evening with the Philadelphia Eagles.

As me if I care?

Frankly, I think it's fine. I mean, we're a Christian nation despite what Obama says! If anyone can appreciate a second chance, it's someone who's been redeemed by the sacrifice of Jesus for us all, so I think we need to understand the shortcomings of others and give them second chances when we can.

He among you who is without sin, cast the first stone!

Of course, the PC aspect of this is that PETA, who most people I know thinks is a bunch of fruitcakes and nut-jobs, has somehow managed to make a large group of people think that what Vick did was tantamount to the murder of a human being!

Look, what he did was terrible, reprehensible, and absolutely shameful, but it was not the same as the killing of a human being!

Not even in the same city, let alone ballpark!

Enough of Vick, already! The women of New England can breath a sigh of relief! The womanizing (allegedly) Ted Kennedy has finally gone to a much warmer place and taken his ultra-liberal politics with him! I'm not going to cry for a 77 year-old man who lived in the absolute lap of luxury, got just about anything and everything he ever wanted (including EXCUSED for the killing of at least one young woman), and did everything he possibly could to turn the US into a North American version of Red China! Vick at least did his penance and has shown signs of remorse for what he did! The coward Kennedy never admitted or showed contrition for any of his deeds!

Of course, the Dems have trotted out the notion that Obama's health care bill should be re-packaged as the "Kennedy Memorial Health Care Plan" in the hopes that they can actually garner some sympathy for the ostensibly failed package.

Look, Dumocrats! A bad idea is a bad idea regardless of who's name is on it!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Driving me CRAZY!!

Hello again, blogfan!

Well, I'm taking a break from telling you how ridiculous the current administration, their policies and their proposals are; today I'm going to reprise my disgust with people who climb behind the wheel of their car with no more intention of driving a car than Ray Charles (and Ray was probably a better driver than most of these idiots!)

I understand driving for fuel economy; I do it myself. However, the optimal economy in almost any vehicle is achieved when you keep your RPMs at or below 2000 and, generally speaking, the rate at which you achieve that optimal engine speed has little or nothing to do with how much fuel is consumed in the process (within reason, of course!). Therefore, if you take off so slowly that your car spends most of its time at the upper ranges of that gear's range before it shifts to a lower gear, you're actually getting LESS fuel economy than you would if you simply got it up to speed and let it shift into a lower gear where the engine turns more slowly. GOT IT?

I didn't think so! If you did, you wouldn't go from 0 to 60 in 6.5 weeks and hold everyone else up! By the way, having to stop at every light because you've got turtles peeing on your tires costs you and everyone else a lot of gas as you sit there idling with your A/C blowing as well, you inconsiderate moron!

The other form of highway inconsideration that is driving me absolutely loony has to do with communication. I remember a time when no one, and I mean NO ONE was so important that they couldn't sacrifice contact with friends, co-workers, and loved ones for at least as long as it took to drive from A to B. In this modern age of instant communication via cell phone and the marriage of cellular technology to the Internet, no one can really get away from instant access to whomever they choose, even if they desired to do so. All that is fine and really useful under most circumstances, but the same guy who seems to be able to handle about ten things at once in an office or at home seems to turn into a jello-brain once he tries to drive and do ANY of the above at the same time. I'm serious! I've had to wake so many people up at red lights lately that my horn is about to wear out! I'm tired of getting run off the road as people attempt to text and drive at the same time! I've had it with cars moving fine in two lanes and that one car in the middle causing people to swerve and slam on their brakes because the driver of the slow car is too busy talking on a cell phone to pay attention to their direction or speed!

Here's a suggestion, morons! If you can't handle the cell phone AND the driving, do the one that will certainly kill people if you do it poorly! DRIVE THE FREAKIN' CAR FIRST!!!! Or better yet, if you're unable to do both, put down the phone and NEVER EVER pick it up in the car if you can't handle it!

Guess what? Even though you're usually in the giant Tahoe that no one else can see around, your car will crash and roll just like any other if you continue to drive like its Stevie Wonder behind the wheel! So, if you won't do it for us, do it for yourself, loser!


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Town Halls

This week, all the talk's been about the so-called "Town Hall" meetings that have been taking place across the country to "discuss" the President's health care proposals.

Of course, "discuss" isn't exactly what's been going on, but there've been groups of people showing up for one purpose or another!

If you've gone to one of the Obama-led meetings, you were hand-picked because you're able to shake a pom-pom and ask puffball questions that the Comedian-in-Chief can handle without his teleprompter telling him what to think!

If you went to a Shirley Jackson-Lee meeting, you learned that it's okay in "Shirley World" to ignore your constituents by answering your cell phone in the middle of a cancer survivor's question and then go on Greta Van Susteren's show a little later and lie about it while being equally rude to Greta!

If you went to Benedict Arnold "Arlen" Specter's town hall meeting, you're still "waiting a minute" since he told one poor old dude who had apparently been promised an opportunity to speak to "wait a minute" about 3500 times. If you're waiting all the minutes he told you to, you should be free to move about your home sometime next Thursday!

In all but the Obama-choreographed meetings, it should be apparent that America does not want and does not feel that it needs Obamacare! I've said before that I think it would be a good idea for them to clean up their Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security messes before they start another one, but that doesn't seem to be what they want! Frankly, as I've said before, I think they should phase Medicare and Medicaid out altogether and let market forces determine the cost of health care without the artificial influences of those "price-fixing" government entities, but, much like Social Security, it's not likely to happen as long as the elderly depend on the programs as they apparently do.

So sad to be fed a bill of goods like that! Sadder still that now we've all been suckered into placing ourselves into this situation where they can force this crap down our throats whether we want it or not!

Is it 2010 yet?

Monday, August 03, 2009

Life's little ironies!

I'm constantly amazed by life's little ironies!

The other day, I was pulled over for failing to fasten my seat belt. As the officer penned the ticket, a group of helmetless motorcyclists passed us doing what was probably at least 15, perhaps 20 miles per hour above the speed limit.

Am I not less likely to be deathified in a car crash without my seat belt than the motorcyclists without a helmet? Where's big daddy doing all he can to protect THEM from themselves?

By the way, I thought I had a constitutional right to kill myself if that's what I want to do? It MUST be constitutional! Oregon will pay for assisted suicide in lieu of life-saving cancer drugs, or haven't you heard? Not to say that that's the only thing they'll help you off yourself for, mind you, but that's the most bizarre example I've heard to date!

And speaking of killing yourself, hasn't big daddy gone on the rampage to stop cigarette smoking?! Have you SEEN the price of a pack of cigarettes these days? That's $5.50/pack in taxes of one kind or another, 15 cents for the retailer, and a nickel for Philip Morris! And that's here in TEXAS!! I've heard that in places like the People's Republic of New York, it's nearly twice that!

Look, I just want a little equity in all of this. If it's NOT okay for me to kill myself in my car by refusing to wear a seat belt, then it's not okay for a bunch of motorcyclists to go helmetless, either! I don't care how powerful their lobby is! However, as I've stated before, I think both are okay, as long as I'm not endangering someone else with my actions! I don't think my demise at the hand of a telephone pole is going to affect anyone other than me any more one way than the other, quite frankly!

Big Daddy government, get out of my life! I thought I had a right to privacy! Or does that only apply to pregnant women?


Saturday, July 25, 2009

I NEVER would have figured THIS!!!

Nadya Suleman, the mother of octuplets most recently and 14 children altogether, has reportedly signed a deal with the company that produced "The Biggest Loser" to star in a reality TV show.

The biggest loser, indeed!

NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I never would've believed it if I hadn't read it on Yahoo!!

The woman with no skill, no job, no income (well, no skill other than getting pregnant, apparently) and no viable prospects has agreed to assist her kids (read as "exploit," "use," "manipulate," or "rape" as you see fit) with their future by inking them to a reality TV deal! That always works out, doesn't it, Jon and Kate? Danny Bonaduce, you wanna chime in here? Where's Willis when you need him?

I thought selling kids was illegal? Why don't we just attach little shackles to their ankles and make them drag rocks around or something? That might be entertaining as well, don't you think?

There's a really warm place in hell for people who exploit children like this and Jesus is coming soon, so I'd see if I couldn't spend some of that easy money on icewater if I were you, Nada! (No, I didn't misspell it! If there was ever a zero, this one's it!)


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Another symptom!

Well, the headline this morning was "States Where Job Seekers Have Given Up," or something to that effect.

To me, it's just another symptom of the "Everyone Gets a Trophy" generation. If you can't find that perfect work experience, you just give up and let Big Daddy Government take care of you. I mean, it's actually their responsibility anyway, isn't it?

This is just the sort of shift in our collective thinking as a society that makes me physically ill! If you can't find that "perfect" job, then you take one that's a little less perfect until that "perfect" one comes along! Since I was 17, I've been out of work a total of three days! I never willingly left a job without having another in place and, even though I may not make as much money as I could if I really "worked" the system for all it's worth, I make a fair wage and I'm happy with what I do. Who could ask for more?

Here's an idea for all of you "Discouraged Job Seekers;" Get up real early, log onto "Craig's List," and start applying for anything legitimate that will actually earn you a paycheck until your ideal job comes along! Frankly, I'd hang off of a garbage truck and pick up trash for the city before I'd sit around feeling sorry for myself and let someone else take care of me or my obligations!

Shake yourselves, losers! Go get a job!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Coburn's my new hero!

During questioning of SC nominee Sonia Sotomayor (means "make it up as you go along" in Spanish, come to find out!) today, my new hero, Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma asked Ms. Sotomayor how she could stand so positively on an "implied" right, the "right to privacy," and remain vague on a very simply STATED right, the right to keep and bear arms (2nd Amendment).

Ms. Sotomayor went on for about 10 minutes about New York state law, retrieving a gun from home, chicken noodle soup recipes, and the proper procedure for an oil change on a 1972 Volkswagen Beetle, all the while managing to repeat the phrase "I am not a lawmaker" about 35 times (nice job, prep committee! She's managed to remember 4 words from the talking points you gave her!). Of course, while waxing philosophical on the true color of a blue moon, she failed to answer the Senator's question.

Why should I be surprised? He earlier asked a simple "yes or no" question and she stammered stupefied for about ten minutes on THAT one as well, never mentioning either of the correct response choices, "yes" or "no."

By the way, what is this "settled precedent" she keeps referring to? Settled or not, isn't bad law or a poor interpretation NEVER settled? Once upon a time, Brown V. Board of Education was "settled," was it not? Wasn't "Dred Scott" a "settled precedent" at one time? How about a hundred other famous cases that, once reviewed, revealed failed logic or a poor reading of our Constitution?

Is that the best you can do, Obama?

I think it's time to pack up for the Bronx where people don't seem to mind the invention of law from the bench, Ms. Sotomayor!


Thursday, July 09, 2009

Jackson's remains

Well, I seldom blog more than twice a month these days, so NOW to drop my thoughts on you twice in one day....

Here goes!

The whole Michael Jackson spectacle makes my skin crawl in so many ways! First, who really cared anything at all about MJ until he kicked it? I mean, he'd been forced underground essentially, called "Whacko," and marginalized in every way imaginable. Of course, he brought most of it on himself by turning himself in a clown, but who really knows what the underlying cause of THAT was? The irony is the whole circus that came after his untimely demise!

Now I read that no one will know where MJ's remains will be interred. I don't think anyone really cares at this point, do they? I mean, will there be live cameras and opportunities for free pub at the gravesite?

I didn't think so! Don't worry, then! The "King of Pop" will remain forever undisturbed regardless of where you put him!

How many so-called "black leaders" showed up to pay tribute? The "never saw a camera I didn't like" Representative from Houston, Shirley Jackson-Lee even showed up! For what? Maybe it was just an invitation to everyone with "Jackson" in their name (or so it seems; Jesse, Shirley, Andrew; ALL the Jacksons were there!), but I suspect that the opportunity for a little free pub was the main reason. So sad!

I'm sorry, did I say "free?"

That's part II of what upsets me about the whole deal! I mean, if you're Michael Jackson's family, with millions of dollars at your disposal to have a remembrance ANYWHERE you'd like, why choose the one place in the nation that simply cannot afford your presence? The opportunity to host the MJ memorial circus cost LA a reported 1.4 MILLION dollars! See! I told you that Andrew Jackson showed up! 70,000 thousand of the bills with his likeness went flying out the window to fund the debacle!


I guess the main thing, though, is the total hypocrisy involved! Here's a guy that NOBODY cared anything about for the longest time and now that he ostensibly did us all a favor and went away, EVERYBODY loved the guy! What a bunch of hypocrites! If you care about someone, show them while they're still alive to enjoy it, NOT afterward!

You phonies didn't care anything about Michael Jackson; all you care about is the photo op!


Well, the Dumocrats are at it again!

Hello again, blogfan!

As anyone who's been paying any attention whatsoever already knows, our President has vowed passage of a sweeping health care reform measure before the end of August. Anybody want to guess how he's going to pay for it?

That's RIGHT! We're going to tax "the rich" once again!

Who are these so-called mythical "rich" people, anyway?

I guess we could tax Tony Soprano; he's got lots of cash! Well, it's all under the table and unreported, but we've seen him pull out those horse-choker wads of greenbacks and peel off a couple of thou like it was nothing, right?'s fantasy, right up there with this stupid health care reform plan and your funding choice, Dumocrats!

Wasn't it bad enough that the government ran GM out of business with their stupid CAFE standards and their unadulterated love affair with the UAW? Can't these idiots see that any business worth it's salt (and wishing it's survival) has already left for India or Mexico? When you kill the goose that laid the golden egg, THERE AREN'T ANY MORE GOLDEN EGGS, YOU IDIOTS!!!

We keep hearing that 50,000,000 people don't have health care. How many of those are legal citizens of the US? How many can't get to a local ER for the free care that they MUST provide by law? How many have opted out of their employer-provided coverage for whatever reason, or simply are between coverages because of job loss or other employment issues?

That's what I thought!

"But Dan! Isn't just ONE person without health care one too many? Isn't health care a RIGHT?", it's not! There are two sure things in life and a lot of people seem to get by without experiencing one of them; death and taxes! We already HAVE a universal health care policy for those of you that haven't been paying attention; it's called Medicaid! How's that little experiment going, Dumocrats? You say it's going bankrupt, along with Medicare and Social Security? Why is that, Dumocrats?

Think about it!

I say, clean up the messes you've already made before you start another one! If you want to continue to fund Medicaid, then fund it and LEAVE THAT MONEY ALONE!!! Lord knows, I've paid a quarter of a million dollars into Social Security and what I've got right now is a government IOU with some future taxpayer's name on it! Your "steal from 'the rich' and give to the poor" scheme doesn't work, Dumocrats! "The rich" got that way because they're savvy with their cash and they know how to keep it out of your grubby little hands (if you don't believe me, ask Timothy Geitner!), so all you wind up doing is taxing ME more and God knows, I'm not rich!

Once again, lets get the government out of business where they HAVE no business! We have this little thing called a Constitution! I've read it and, quite frankly, I thought it said that powers not expressly granted to the Federal government were supposed to be granted to the states. Funny, I didn't see anything in there about a "right to free health care" or the idea that the Federal government should establish some national health system! It's time to revert to what the Constitution dictates and get rid of all of this ridiculous Utopian state-run boondoggle that we've allowed to be created!

We have a right to PURSUE happiness, not an absolute guarantee of it!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A "Must Read!"

Hopefully, those of you who read here fairly often (BOTH of you!) can surmise for yourselves that I am fairly conservative. Sometimes, being conservative without being especially well-read in the law can be a handicap, especially when it comes to defending my viewpoints in the face of the completely inane nonsense that is presented by liberal defenders of THEIR viewpoints, none of which are based in logic or common sense, but in emotional knee-jerk reactions to this "crisis" or that.

Now, all I have to do is point to one book; Liberty and Tyranny - A Conservative Manifesto, by Mark R. Levin.

Dr. Levin, a lawyer by trade and a conservative talk-show host by profession, explains in great detail why liberals think as they do (or NOT think, as the case may be!) along a wide array of topics, from their insistence on the dismantling of capitalism to their even greater insistence on scuttling our very livelihoods in the name of extremist environmentalism.

It's all about power and who calls the shots, just as I've said all along!

In any case, if you've not read Levin's book, do yourself a HUGE favor and buy a copy and then read it from cover to cover. There's not a word wasted and it will thoroughly explain MUCH better than I ever could why I think the way that I do, especially since I agree with nearly all of the assertions made by this truly amazing author!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Here's why America is going to Hades in a manual cartage device!

North Korea is threatening to respond a thousand-fold to any (perceived) American provocation, the libs are doing everything they can to destroy our economy, I now own General Motors (well, the American taxpayer owns them!), and all anyone cares about is a couple with too many kids and their inability to handle the "pressure" of fame and fortune!

It's embarrassing!

Yes, boys and girls, Jon and Kate announced their "separation" and their producers updated us with a text announcement that "legal proceedings" have begun to nullify their ten-year relationship. Has anyone ever watched the show? How could anyone who has possibly wonder about any of this?

I have to admit; MDB was/is a big J&K+8 fan. It's programmed into the DVR and we've got about 10 of them on cue at any given time. Now, to her credit, she knows I don't really care to watch their exploits, so she watches mostly when I'm not around, but I have seen my share of episodes. I've watched more than once when they sat on that couch and Kate basically demeaned and belittled John. I've watched him swallow it and never say anything about it unless it was to sheepishly agree with her assessment. I've leaned over and said on more than one occasion, "My Lord! How does he continue to put up with that?" I guess the answer to that one is now painfully clear!

It's hard to put a finger on a single reason for disliking the show, but here's one that comes to mind; I don't like watching a show that exploits children for profit, especially when it's supposed to be a "hands-off glimpse into the life" sort of thing! They claim that the show will go on, but I doubt that it will survive for very long (thank God!!!). I mean, we have enough turmoil in our own daily lives, right? Do we really need to tune in to see someone else's drama play out? Do we really need to see the lives of these kids destroyed in half-hour increments? How long before it's "J&K's kids in drug rehab?", or "J&K see the counselor at school because little Suzy is cutting herself?"

The whole thing makes me sick, quite frankly!

Children who are exploited for cash always turn out well, don't they? The kids from "Diffrent Strokes" came out great, didn't they? I can think of about a thousand other examples, but the point's clear, isn't it?

Now I've heard that the female who had a litter of twelve has been signed on to do her own reality show.

That should be pretty special!

Perhaps the first few episodes will air BEFORE North Korean nukes start dropping on the west coast!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Well, more than a few gallons have passed under the bridge since my last post, so here goes!

The whole gay marriage thing is about to make me sick at my stomach! God created men and women for procreation, not sexual pleasure. Now, I'll grant you, He made it a lot of fun so we'd want to "go forth and multiply", but pleasure is not the primary purpose!! Since gays are not capable of procreation, their very existence goes against the will of God (implied AND stated!), so the entire gay rights and gay marriage movement is not a question of equal rights so much as it is a repudiation of God and His will. It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God!

I hope that won't be construed as "hate speech!"

I don't hate anyone, but the bible clearly says that homosexuality is "an abomination." What part of "abomination" don't you get, gay rights advocate? Look, I didn't write it, so don't shoot the messenger!

Anyway, I can commiserate somewhat. I don't think it's fair necessarily to codify discrimination against any group or subgroup, but it's not the government that's doing it!!! It's private companies who refuse to view a "partnership" with the same lens as they use for a marriage! So, powerful homosexual voting and purchasing block, boycott the companies who refuse to recognize your immoral and deviant lifestyle and FORCE them to come around!

Tried that already, huh? Too bad!

Look, even in California, the majority of people don't want to recognize a homosexual partnership the same way that a heterosexual one is recognized. It's CALIFORNIA, for crying out loud!! I'd say give it up for a while and see if a new generation of homosexuals comes along who side with your point of view, that's what I'd do.

Oh, that's right! Homosexuals don't procreate! No chance of passing that "gay gene" along then, is there?

How does our President, Mr. Nobraina, have any feet left? I mean, it seems as though he shoots himself in the foot two or three times a day; why is he not on crutches?

He just couldn't help himself, could he? A Supreme Court vacancy came along and he just couldn't take the high road and nominate someone who's actually qualified to be on the High Court, could he? Noooooooo!!!!! He said "'s an opportunity! Let me find the most liberal, most far-left leaning individual in the country and put her name forward in nomination!"

Uhhh...Newt said it best (and I paraphrase); a Latina female racist is no better than a white male racist and both should be asked to withdraw if sanity prevails.

I don't see any withdrawals, Ms. Sotomayor!

Then Nobraina continued on the "See, I'm really a Muslim and you can trust me" tour and made another big batch of apologies for our "arrogance."

It ain't bragging if you can do it, Mr. President!

THEN he went out and bought GM with my tax dollars! Anyone who reads here very often KNOWS that I'm a Ford guy! It positively makes me want to wretch knowing that my money is now buying a Chevrolet!

Maybe there's too much invested at this point, I don't know, but I DO know this; the United States government had NO business bailing out ANY of these private entities and it would be absolutely SHAMEFUL if they went under anyway, despite the best efforts of all concerned to prop them up! Look, these corporations failed for a very simple reason; they're poorly run, way too fat, and not willing or able to change rapidly enough to stop the hemorrhage of red ink! They SHOULD fail!! They should be forced to sell off their assets to whoever wants to buy them and restructure whatever's left into a leaner, more competitive company!

Anyone ever hear of American Motors? How about Hudson? Or Packard? Or Studebaker, or Nash, or DeSoto, or any of a hundred other failed car companies? The car business is high risk and high reward! Those who venture there do so at their own peril...

...or that's how it USED to be! NOW we don't let anyone fail! We can't allow market forces to determine the fate of these former corporate giants! NO!!!!! We've got to step in and use tax dollars to prop up the rotten, termite-infested structure! Allowing the market to determine the fate of GM would be.....can't bear to say it......sniff!!......CAPITALISM!!! We're not a capitalist economy anymore! NO! We're now socialist and everyone must get a trophy!!!

Should have put them in the junkyard with all those Studebakers and Hudsons while we had a chance! Now we've got to grit our teeth and PRAY that the thing succeeds so I can get my money back!

Thanks, Mr. Nobraina!

Is it 2010 yet?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Poor John and Kate! They don't have any privacy to go with their $75,000 per episode! They have Paparazzi lined up to take their pictures! They have an adoring public that just won't leave them alone!

Dry your tears with a couple of those checks, why dontcha?

Look; I understand your frustration. You thought you could take the cash and conduct your private lives any way you want.

Sorry; it doesn't work that way!

WITH the fortune comes the fame, and with that comes the added responsibility of acting like your persona on television. If you don't like that gig, give the money back, rescind the contract, and go back to raising your twenty-seven kids on your $12.50 per hour, you loser!!!

I didn't think that was a viable alternative!

Better hone up on "Well, thank you ma'am! We're SO happy you like our show!"


Friday, May 15, 2009

Well, the American Certainly Loonie Union is at it again.

Oh, you know, they're the guys who ostensibly work to preserve our rights of free speech (unless that speech happens to come from a Christian or from the right), of free press (unless it's the Washington Times, Rush Limbaugh, or any other progenitor of conservative principles), and free religion (as long as you mean free FROM religion and not free to practice religion). [Click HERE for a statement of the ACLU's mission.]

Now, they're stepping up to the plate to make sure that Gitmo detainees get their full portion of rights as they're being prosecuted in military tribunals for practicing terrorism (allegedly) against the United States and her people.

I thought it was the AMERICAN civil liberties union? I thought that the rights granted under our Constitution were guaranteed to Americans? Since when did we extend our rights, fought for and earned by the shedding of American blood, to foreign nationals, especially foreign nationals who killed thousands of Americans in the worst attack on America since the Japanese pulled off that little sneak attack on Pearl Harbor? Worse still, why SHOULD we extend those privileges to them?

Let me tell you something, American Communist Lipservice Union! If those same enemy combatants were captured perpetrating those crimes in their own countries, they wouldn't have any of those rights and their interrogations would have been a tad bit worse than a little pretend drowning! Last time I checked, people lost parts of their bodies for theft in Muslin countries and a heckuva lot more than that for crimes more severe! Oh, and they don't do some little lethal injection thing, either! It's hanging by the neck until dead!

When those clowns do something to earn some rights, I say let 'em have some, but to extend American civil rights to non-citizens is just plain stupid and totally counterproductive, especially in light of what these criminals have perpetrated against us!

Oh, and don't get me wrong! I'm not saying that we should abuse non-citizens just because they ARE non-citizens. I AM saying that we should apply whatever measure of justice they could expect to receive in their own home, NOT roll out the red carpet and presume innocence when there's a clear burden of proof on the accused in their own homeland!

The sad part is, most of these dunderheads will tell you that a little waterboarding to save 10,000 American lives is not worth the price that poor little terrorist had to pay as he pretended to drown.

I'd say drown a million of them if it would save ONE American! It's the only justice they understand and certainly the only incentive they have NOT to do it again!

Shame on you, ACLU!

Friday, May 08, 2009

I don't blog as much as I used to

Hello again, blogfan!

If anyone who reads here regularly had any doubt, I don't blog as much as I used to. It's mostly because I started feeling a little like Rush Limbaugh, saying the same thing over and over again. What I (and he) said was true, but if you didn't get it the first thirty times, why would you get it now? we go; water is wet, sky is blue, Barack Oboma is WAY overmatched, totally disingenuous, and frankly, not worthy to be the President of the United States. He got into office because every AA in America voted for him and CONTINUE to defend him and his policies despite the sheer idiocy that they represent, because of white guilt, and because liberals FINALLY got a true socialist that they could get behind and support with confidence because BO was saying enough centrist stuff to get elected and they KNEW that he was a radical leftist in the McCarthy mold from the get-go!

Is it 2012 yet?

I have two pieces of advise for Mr. O. First, if you plan on executing your destruction of American capitalism, you'd better get it done QUICK! The 2010 elections are right around the corner and the American people know now that the emperor is naked and they WILL NOT re-elect anyone who stands with you now, so, to quote the bible, "what you must do, do quickly!" Second, how do you plan on governing when you lose your majority in both Houses, Mr. O? If I were you, I'd try to develop some coalitions and that right quick so you have some semblance of governance when the dust settles!

Then again, that's just me!

Oh, and BTW, Mr. President; thanks a lot for breaking a tradition that has stood since H. Truman by NOT attending an organized Christian church service on the National Day of Prayer! You present yourself to the electorate as a Christian, talk about your years of faithful service to your church (well, the radical white-hating, America-hating, Jew-hating organization you attended...I don't know if it really qualifies as a 'church'), and then go out and proudly announce that America is NOT a Christian nation and, just to prove it, fail to follow through with a time-honored tradition of American Presidents going to a service to pray on the National Day of Prayer.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Mr. President!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Katrina syndrome

Okay; I'm sick of it already! I'm sick of this "Katrina syndrome" that controls every aspect of society these days!

You know what I'm talking about!

The public backlash (well, not so much the PUBLIC backlash as it was feigned outrage from the media and the Hollywood elite!) that ensued after the supposedly botched rescue effort after Katrina has generated an out and out FEAR of a similar fate for any public official who seemingly fails to effectively respond to a forthcoming public problem.

Katrina syndrome is why we evacuated 10 times more vehicles than the highways around Houston can handle when Rita hit Port Arthur, doing little or no damage at all in the Houston area! Katrina syndrome is why we're having this stupid knee-jerk panic about this swine flu outbreak! Nobody wants to be the director of FEMA when the levees break!'s the flu, for crying out loud! If it were an Ebola outbreak, I'd say it's time to close the borders. If it was an airborne form of HIV, I'd be the first in line for a mask! IT'S THE FREAKIN' FLU!!!!

Like any other flu, be it bird or swine, or just good old regular flu, it's hazardous to the very young, the very old, and people with compromised immune systems, NOT the public at large!

Thanks, whiny liberal media and Hollywood elite! Do you see what your finger-pointing and vilification of FEMA has done? Now, EVERYTHING is a crisis!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

All I can say is......Be Careful what You Wish For!!!

Hello again, blogfans!

MDB and I went out for breakfast this morning and, since we were on our way to the baseball game in Houston, we'd stopped in a small (but getting bigger by the second!) town along the 288 corridor. This particular town has become predominately African-American for whatever reason, so we were exposed to large numbers of AAs at the place we chose for breakfast.

No big deal, mind you, but it led to an interesting observation!

That observation is this; what will African-Americans do if Obama fails as miserably during the rest of his term as he has thus far?

Here's what I mean.

I don't KNOW any AA person who DID NOT support Obama during this most recent presidential election. I know that many of them agreed with his stated policies, but many if not all of them really didn't care about that; here was a legitimate AA candidate and they were going to support him come hell or high water or hell IN high water!!!!

What happens if he fails?

I mean, when you put all of your eggs in that one basket and the basket has a huge hole in it, what do you do when the eggs hit the ground and shatter?

Obama is Humpty Dumpty as surely as I am a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant living in Texas!

Maybe AAs had better have a look around and jump off that ship before it rolls over them!

Those tea parties had LOTS of participation!

I think JC Watts is looking pretty good right about now! Maybe Alan Keys isn't as big an Uncle Tom as we were led to believe!

Here's what I'm trying to say (now that I'm done dropping lame metaphors!); AA voters were happy that they finally got a legitimate candidate into the White House, but he'd better DELIVER for them or it will be a very LONG TIME before voters will trust another one!

Obama is carrying their banner; I hope for their sake that he isn't as big a rube on an OJT mission as he appears to be at this stage of his presidency!

It'll be 50 years before another AA candidate has a chance if that's the case!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Isn't THIS a strange time!

Well, blogfans, I know it's been awhile since I entered any thoughts for you.

I guess our new Conspirator in Chief has been so busy dropping one idiot bomb after another, it's hard to stay out of "Incredulousville" long enough to develop a sane thought or two about any of it!

I mean, Obama goes overseas and apologizes for American "arrogance," then declares that the United States is not a Christian nation!

Well, anyone who would spend as much time as he did listening to Jeremiah Wright is clearly not Christian, but don't paint the rest of us with the same roller you use on yourself, Mr. Clownbama!

Now, he's in Mexico apologizing for American guns in that country (and I use the term "country" loosely for that place!). I'll say it again; either you get a grip on your citizens, Mexico, or we will! If Mexico can't control their own citizens, we should just annex that place and make it the 51st through 55th states! At least that way, when they swim across the Rio Grande, they're swimming from one US state to another! In fact, let's just take over everything down to and including the Panama Canal! WE dug the dang thing and it'll surely be a lot easier to build a fence across the Isthmus than the current border! See!!! Win-win!!!

Well, anyway, I hope both of the people who read here can understand my inability to post most recently! I simply can't believe the unbelievable chutzpah of this clown Obama! Apparently, a whole lot of my closest friends can't believe it either since they attended "tea parties" on the 15th to protest! Of course, the Obama White House pretended to not NOTICE the tea parties, which, in an of itself, is a HUGE reason to distrust this clown even more!!! How can ANYONE who was living in this country on the 15th pretend to NOT know about the tea parties? Totally disingenuous!

Is it 2010 yet? I can't WAIT to go to the polls and vote for every conservative on the ballot!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

NOW I see what's been going on!

Hello, dear blogfans!

For some time now, any who have read here know that I think much of our troubles today began and ended with the "everyone gets a trophy" mentality that has overtaken our society.

You know what I'm talking about; junior's team finishes dead last and the only thing junior won all year was the greatest number of splinters in his backside award...

...but he still got a trophy!

I didn't know they gave trophies for collecting splinters!

Guess I was wrong!

Well, it's been that way for at least twenty years now and if anyone tried to say anything about it, well...they were just un-American! What's the harm in trying to build up their little self-esteems, anyway?

Well, I'll tell you what the harm is! We've developed a whole generation of kids who think that the world owes them something whether they do anything to earn it or not! They think that they can put as little or as much as they want into an effort and, lo and behold, everyone gets the same reward in the end!

Hmmm....sounds a lot like SOCIALISM, doesn't it?

Well, that's exactly what it is and we, through our "go along to get along" attitude about it, have stood by and watched a whole generation get indoctrinated into socialism right under our noses!

Devious, they are!

Right now, before it's too late, we need to reverse this course and award trophies only to those who earn them, in every walk of life!

Maybe its too late already.

I hope not!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Well, maybe I was wrong!

Some time back, a dear Christian friend of mine asked me if I thought that Barack Obama could be the Anti-Christ.

At that time, I said no; he's not from the former Roman Empire as required by Daniel the prophet.

Well, in hindsight, who really knows WHERE he's from? He won't produce a birth certificate to verify his American birth, so who really knows where he's from?

Not only that, but signs of the end times are all around! Read Matthew 24! One-world government isn't far away! They're now talking about a universal world currency and our illustrious tax-cheating Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner seems amenable to the proposal! Outrageous!

All I can say is, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Technology I could do without!

Hello again, blogfans!

Today, I'm railing against the (apparent) latest in public restroom technology, the motion-activated towel dispenser, toilet, urinal, water faucet, hot-air blower, waste can lid, and bidet.

Well, a couple of those aren't motion activated as of now (as far as I know), but it can't be long, can it?

I kid you not; I fully expect Ashton Kutcher to jump out of a corner, rolling around and peeing himself laughing as I go through the gyrations necessary to make one of these devices do what it's supposed to do! "Punked, M-O-R-O-N!!!"

What are these ridiculous devices supposed to accomplish? Oh, I sort of get the fact that some people are immature, destructive, wasteful, stupid, or a combination of the above, but why do I have to stand on my head and plead with a wall-mounted box for a 3x5" sheet of brown paper that will dry right about NOTHING and then do it all again for another just a few seconds later? Oh, I KNOW why; we get frustrated, dry our hands on our pants, and save the retailer (AND THE PLANET, SUPPOSEDLY) a few nickels worth of paper!

What's with automatic urinals or commodes, by the way? You can't tell me that people stand at the facility and flush it over and over just for the fascination of it, can you? What's the harm in flushing your own? If it's not sanitary (allegedly), my foot works pretty well on the handle!

I think it's a huge conspiracy, that's what it is! Ashton?! Alan Funt? America's Funniest?

The moment I see myself on TV screaming at a toilet, a towel dispenser or a faucet, I'm going to sue!!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Okay, so what's fair about THIS???

Hello, dear blogfan!

It seems as though liberals don't like to take their own medicine.

As long as it's Michael Moore making hit-piece movies about GW Bush, it was a matter of free speech.

Now, it's a conservative movie-maker doing a similar piece on Hillary, and the thing's being taken to the Supreme Court!

Liberals are whiny, two-faced, hypocritical cry-babies!

Look. libs (and I know I've said this before, so please forgive me!), you can't have it both ways! You can't scream "McCain-Feingold!" when a conservative does a documentary on Hillary and then scream "free speech!" when that fat tub of disingenuous goo Michael Moore makes one on GW! It doesn't work that way! So, grow up, develop some stones, and learn how to roll with the punches, whiny two-faced, hypocritical Libs!

Even better; if you don't like the movie, don't watch it! Don't pay to see it, don't support the producers who made it, and don't buy the products of people who did! Now THAT'S an effective political statement....

...dunderhead libs!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's not too often....

...that I post more than once a day these days, but our new Comedian in Chief is just too much!

First, doesn't he find it strange that no sitting President has ever been on the Tonight Show before? Doesn't he wonder why?


Well, let me tell you why (since you obviously don't know, Mr. Obama); the Secret Service has enough of a headache at a public outing without you turning it into Romper Room, that's for #1. #2 - Can you say "Presidential?" Do you know what that word means?

Apparently not!

And then there's this; When was the last time a sitting President made a prediction about an intercollegiate sporting event like the NCAA championship tournament?

Anyone wonder WHY sitting presidents don't do that? Simple! IT'S NOT PRESIDENTIAL!!! The President represents ALL the people, not just those from Chicago or whatever the favorite of the month is!

Whoever is advising this clown, PLEASE tell him that we don't have time for any more OJT! Please explain to this rube that there are some things that Presidents do and other things that they don't do and, so far, PRETTY MUCH EVERY SINGLE THING HE'S DONE IS SOMETHING THAT PRESIDENT'S DON'T DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please hurry, before we get stuck with something we can't get out of!

Buy American!

Okay, I've got to admit it; I'm a big "buy American" guy, but not for reasons of patriotism or even economics.

American goods are as good or better than their foreign counterparts most of the time and, if you know what you're doing, they cost less to buy as well!

In 2003, I bought a 23' bay boat. The dealer that I bought it from recommended a Yamaha outboard, but they also sold Honda and Mercury. I told the guy I wanted the 150 Merc on my boat, so he grudgingly had one put on. In the 6 years since, I've replaced the spark plugs one time, AND THAT'S IT!! Today, after sitting for nearly a year, I cranked it in my flush tub and it fired right up! So, not only has the Merc been everything I could have hoped for in an outboard motor for my boat, IT WAS $1500 LESS THAN THE YAMAHA!!!!

Take that, foreign equipment honks!

I didn't bother to tell the guy, but once upon a time, I worked in a job where spill response was part of the gig. We had a large spill boat with a 175 Yamaha on it and, every time we went to crank it up, it failed to start. It wasn't THAT much older than my 150 Merc, so I know it wasn't some sort of revolutionary advance in technology or something; the Merc's just a better engine! I wasn't about to tell the guy that the Yamaha is a piece of garbage, but I think he knew what my opinion of them was after I absolutely INSISTED he put a Merc on the boat.

I've already gone into some detail in previous posts about trouble we had trying to buy a Civic, but here's the bottom line on that. We got a GREAT deal on a Ford Focus and it gets just as good fuel economy as the Civic, so, here you go; Dear Honda - stick your Civic where the paint won't fade from the sun! I'm driving American!

I could go on and on, but the crux of the matter is clear; buy American, save money, and support the American economy!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Break

Well, I've ranted long enough about the ridiculous new administration and their inability to keep their collective feet out of their collective mouths.

Let's talk about Spring Break!

My "to-do" list for Spring Break was 10 items long! Here it is:

1. Prime/paint storage building (has been bare wood for WAY too long!);
2. Yard work/boat prep at house #2 (my former bachelor pad that STILL hasn't sold!);
3. Clean closet/hang tie and belt racks;
4. Check washer/clean drier vent;
5. Yard work/fertilize yard here;
6. Clear east sidewalk, clear/clean patio;
7. Plant trumpet vine seeds;
8. Cash in aluminum;
9. Fix east gate;
10. Clean shower.

I worked on #1 until I ran out of paint (RATS!). I haven't made it over to "the bachelor pad" yet, so #2 is in limbo. #3; mission accomplished! #4 is a two-person job, so MDB and I need to work on that one together. #5; done deal! #6; ancient history! #7; I can hear those trumpets blowing a mile away! #8; I have $6.90 to show for that effort! #9; the east gate is RE-PAIRED!!! #10 (shhhhh....don't tell! this one's a surprise for MDB) the shower is C-L-E-A-N!!!

Hopefully, tomorrow will take us to "the bachelor pad" and I can get the boat ship-shape for a fishing trip on Friday (woo-hoo!!!)

Wish me blessings!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

When are we going to get enough of THIS?

Drug violence along the Mexican border is at an all time high and much of it is spilling over into the streets of El Paso, Laredo, and other Texas border towns.

We don't look to the Federal government for help on much else, but we could use a little military assistance on this one, Barack!

The government of Mexico is corrupt and doesn't seem willing, or able, to do anything to stop drug crime within its own borders, let alone the violence that is spilling over into our country.

I have a solution to this AND the problem of illegal immigration from Mexico; lets annex that country, sweep their supply cartels AND their filthy corrupt politicians into the sewer where they belong, and make the hard-working and generally honest citizens of Mexico citizens of the 51st through 55th states of the United States!

I know; fat chance!

Well, the last time we had a problem like this, Pancho Villa was the culprit. What happened to our willingness to defend our border since then?

That's what I thought!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Health Care Reform (Economics 102)

In the most recent power grab attempt from the Obama camp, "the status quo is not on the table" was the rallying cry for the latest attempt of government to take over one-fifth of the US economy. I thought, just in case anyone really cares, I'd start Econ 102 for those who agree with him.

You see, the government doesn't HAVE any money; it takes it from citizens, corporations, importers, etc., in the form of taxes and tariffs and then spends it as directed by the Congress. Lately, as far as I'm concerned, Congress has taken FAR TOO MUCH of mine and spent it in a lot of ways that have little or nothing to do with their constitutional mandate, but that's another topic for another day. Here's the problem; when taxes are raised (and who in their right mind really BELIEVES that taxes won't go up to pay for all of this stuff Obama wants?), it creates an economic strain that WILL be relieved in one way or another. When the so-called "rich" have their taxes raised, they pass along the increase in their cost of doing business to their consumers in the form of higher prices, which means THEY don't pay it at all; WE DO!!!! Of course, higher prices mean that you have less to spend, so you ask for a raise, which, of course, raises overhead and causes still higher prices! Negative inflation spiral!!! When government does the right thing in cases like this and LOWERS taxes, employers can hire more people, or, if they don't need more people, they can lower prices, which increases sales and actually generates greater tax revenue for the government in the long run! I know that the libs called it "trickle down" during the Reagan years in an attempt to paint it stupid or evil, but the logic is undeniable and it works EVERY TIME!!!

It's all about supply and demand, Libs!

Higher prices reduce demand (see decreasing gasoline demand when gas goes to $4/gallon) and force prices to fall again! Falling prices usually bring demand back and would have in the case of gasoline as well if it hadn't been for everyone running out and buying a more fuel-efficient car to combat the high price of gas!

Why is health care so expensive? Easy! Supply and demand! There's not that many doctors and it takes a long time and a great deal of educational expense to become one, so they don't work for peanuts! I know that everyone wants to be insured and everyone would like it to be more affordable, but quality comes with a price! You don't pay the same amount for a Mercedes that you pay for a Hyundai, do you? Same principle! We have the best health care system in the world because there's money in it for those who provide the services. If you take the incentive away by controlling pricing, we'll have the same horrible system that Canada has or that Great Britain has!

Ask a Canadian what they think of socialized medicine!

So, Mr. Obama, if you want to do something to make health care more affordable, how about scrapping the market controlling Medicare and Medicaid and letting competition control pricing! I mean, a medical voucher for current recipients would be cheaper than what we're doing now, and the burden to non government health care recipients would be substantially reduced!

That's not status quo, now is it?

But you'll never go for it even if it makes sense, because the attempt to take over health care isn't ABOUT health care; it's about CONTROL and POWER!

What a sad place we've come to in America!