Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Rick Santelli's rant

Well, FINALLY someone else said what I've been saying! The emporer is naked! Santelli was exercised about the bogus mortgage bail-out plan in particular, but I have a feeling he's not too proud of the whole "economic stimulus" package that our current regime forced down our throats, either!

Can anyone say "root cause analysis?" That's good; I knew that you could!

Now, does anyone in Washington know how to do one? Obviously not! If they did, they'd have come to the inescapable conclusion that their stupid community development legislation is almost wholly to blame for the so-called mortgage "crisis" and the cure, sad as it is, is to tighten credit makets and lend money to people who have demonstrated a propensity for paying their bills!

Is that what we did? NOOOOOOO!!!!!! We ran the banks into the ground by forcing them to make bad loans and then we stole money from the taxpayers to prop the whole house of cards up! NOW, if the Obama regime gets it's way (which is a foregone conclusion since the keys to the piggybank have been left with the largest legalized theft ring in the country (the Democrat-controlled US Congress!), we're going to have our money taken again to prop up the losers who borrowed the money to buy houses they never should have bought in the first place!

I say LET them lose their homes! LET the banks who loaned them money go bankrupt! LET the market right itself as it surely will if left alone long enough! There are investors out there who would LOVE to buy up those foreclosures and sell them for a profit! Meanwhile, the losers who are losing them should find apartments (which is where they probably should have been in the first place), SAVE for a home in the future, and buy another when WHEN THEY CAN AFFORD IT!!!!!!!

"Property is the fruit of labor...property is desirable...is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built." -- March 21, 1864 - Reply to New York Workingmen's Democratic Republican Association". - Abraham Lincoln

Friday, February 20, 2009

Where's the fairness?

I don't want a nickel of my money back; my tax money, that is. You see, my family and millions more just like mine are now in the business of financing irresponsibility. Families who could not afford to buy a home did so anyway, getting money for the transaction from banks who were forced to lend it to them.

I'm bailing out both sides of the rotten equation at this point, and frankly, it makes me sick!

I'd like to scream out, "Where's MINE!!! I pay my taxes, make good decisions, try to save money, and PAY MY BILLS!!! When is someone going to reward MY good behavior?"

We're not in the business of rewarding the people who do things right anymore. We're in the business of rewarding poor decisions and irresponsible behavior. What else would I expect in the "everyone gets a trophy" generation?

As I said, the whole thing makes me ill. I think I'll stop paying on my mortgage. I'd be rewarded for it, wouldn't I? I think I'll stop paying my bills. Uncle Sam will come to my rescue, won't he?

Not for me! I didn't make poor decisions and allow myself to be victimized by an adjustable rate mortgage. I didn't demand a lot more money than I was worth, so I don't have a Federal bail-out with my name on it. Where's the bail-out for my retirement fund? I'll have to work until I'm 80 to make up the losses; losses that were essentially generated by the whole banking mess that the government produced with its Community Development Act, which forces banks to lend money to people who are not qualified under normal circumstances for a $20 loan, let alone a $200,000 loan!

Our government, part in parcel, is out of control and WE sat back and allowed one liberal idea that sounded good but was rotten to the core after another steal any semblance of logic from our collective thought, all the while KNOWING that Uncle Sam would provide the safety net if it failed.

It HAS failed, Sam! Can we please go back to capitalism before we're nothing more than Red China with a red, white, and blue flag?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nice job, Chicken Little!

Well, Chicken Little, you did it! You managed to scare the bejeebers out of everyone and get the largest socialist legislation package since the New Deal passed through our new Chicken Little controlled Congress.

I've heard all the arguments; "We're in crisis! We've GOT to do something!" "Only the government can get us out of this!" and "Our problems have gone beyond the ability of 'normal' mechanisms to cope!"

That's a bunch of garbage!

First, our problems could and should be fixed by realizing that the market forces that got us into this situation can be used to get us out of them. American labor costs have priced our goods and services out of the world market. We've got to realize this fact and adjust those costs to reflect what the market will bear. A tough thing to do, no doubt, but absolutely necessary.

Second, the government cannot and should not "get us out of this." The government has a strictly stated constitutional place in all of this, i.e., "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes (Section 8)." In case English is a second language to some who read here, "regulate" means "oversee and facilitate", it does NOT mean "control and dictate," which is how it is being practiced in this most recent legislation.

Finally, "normal" mechanisms, i.e., the law of supply and demand, will, despite attempts to the contrary, "get us out of this" just as it always has done in the past.

Unless Chicken Little manages to convert our economy into a pure socialist monstrosity, that is!

You know, there's a reason for declining turntable sales, just as there's a reason that covered wagons have gone away and 8-track tape players can only be found in antique stores these days. The market dictated their demise and the companies that produced those goods either changed to produce what the market demanded or they went bankrupt.

Where was their bailout?

If IBM was still just a typewriter company, do you think they'd still be around?

Here's the deal, Chicken Little; get out of the way and let the miraculous mechanism that is free enterprise take over! Will some suffer? I'm sure! But hasn't there always been suffering as change occurs? Adjust or perish, that's how things work!

Sadly, we're now in the "everyone gets a trophy" days, where there ARE no losers. Hate to pass this tid-bit along there, Chicken Little, but everytime someone wins, there's a loser in the other locker room! The losers either fix what cost them the game or they continue to lose! What happened to the Washington Senators? Anyone remember the St. Louis Browns? Teams that did not do what it took to adjust and become winners disappeared just as companies that do not do what's necessary to become profitable disappear.

It's called "Capitalism," Chicken Little. It's the economic system that has brought this country the wealth and prosperity that we all enjoy today and would continue to do so if you'd leave it alone and stop trying to kill it every chance you get!

The sky is NOT falling, Chicken Little, but if you don't stop pulling on it, it may very well if you absolutely demand it!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Well, there's a first time for everything!

Hello again, blogfans!

Those who read here fairly consistently know that I absolutely love Jason Whitlock, who contributes regularly to the foxsports.com website. Almost without exception, I agree with what he says and applaud his stances on various topics. Recently, I had to take exception to an article he wrote about Michael Phelps; not to disagree with his stance on Phelps, mind you, but to disagree with his arguments in favor of legalizing marijuana. Actually that's the first time I can recall that I had to disagree with Whitlock.

This time makes #2!

In his most recent entry, Whitlock attempts to argue that the reason white fans have such distaste for Barry Bonds is because he broke the record of white icon Babe Ruth and white fans need the Babe to bolster their opinion of the athletic prowess of their race.

I hate to disagree, I really do, but that's preposterous!

Barry's disliked because he is and always has been a boorish, moody, unlikable guy! Barry's disliked not such much because of whose record he broke, but by how it was broken! Did anyone other than a bunch of pointy-headed backwoodsmen dislike Henry Aaron when HE broke the Babe's career mark? No, no one with a real live functioning brain said anything at all except to laud his accomplishment and acknowledge that his hard work, stamina, and perseverance paid off handsomely. Hank did it the right way and he was accepted by ALL fans because of it.

Barry cheated and now, with the exception of the few "blacks can do no wrong" apologetics out there, he's universally vilified because of THAT, NOT because of the color of his skin!

In case Mr. Whitlock hasn't noticed, one Mark McGuire is getting pretty much the same treatment because he, too, is seen as someone who didn't do it the right way, choosing instead to cheat his way into the record books.

It's cheaters we don't like, Mr. Whitlock, REGARDLESS of what color they are!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Quantrell Strikes Again!!!

Hello again, blogfans!

As you know, I'm vehemently opposed to "finding racism under every rock" and those who seem to do just that. Here in Houston, our community activist of that stripe is one Quantrell X, the Nation of Islam mouthpiece who shows up for every little thing that involves someone of color (well, as long as a video camera is anywhere near, that is!) and assumes the role of "family spokesperson."

This time, Quantrell bit off a little more than he could chew.

In the case of NFL receiver Donald Driver's father, Quantrell showed up as usual, and ranted about the (alleged) brutality of the Houston police and how they supposedly forced him to ingest cocaine in an effort to introduce him to Jesus (Quantrell's words, not mine).

You can read about Quantrell's rant here.

Well, imagine this! The police officers were exonerated! There is no evidence that any of the allegations against the officers have any merit, so charges are being dismissed and the officers involved are suing Quantrell and the elder Driver for defamation of character!

Hmmmm.....not too bright, eh Quantrell? Perhaps it would be wise to see that camera as a two-way mirror from now on! What you say may jump up and bite you on the other side!

Look; no one is more against police brutality than yours truly, and no one detests racism more than I do. Here's the key; rail against REAL racism when it shows it's ugly head and leave the "alleged" variety to the people who investigate that sort of thing for a living! If it proves to be racism as well, THEN you can call the limelight to yourself if the family wants you to do so and shine the light of truth on it! In this day and age, racism is totally without a home and you may find yourself on the RIGHT side of a public argument for a change!

Just a friendly piece of advise from a casual observer who's sick and tired of hearing your wolf cries, Quantrell!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Phelps, MJ, and Obama

As usual, Jason Whitlock hit the nail on the head in this recent article about Michael Phelps and "Bong-gate." The common denominator of why Phelps gets a pass and an AA athlete doing the same thing is not the weed; it’s the surrounding behavior of the perpetrator. Now, I’m not sure if I agree that drugs in general ought to be legalized. Let’s be honest; it’s not so much the drug use as it is the surrounding behavior; thieving stuff that doesn’t belong to you in order to purchase said drugs or killing people to keep your corner. Who’s to say that such behaviors would change if the object of the stoner’s affections were suddenly legalized? People always want to compare alcohol to the chronic as well, but oranges are orange and apples are red, aren’t they? Drinking under every circumstance isn’t allowable, either, so why would burning blunts be any different or any less a headache for law enforcement? I don’t think that it would. I guess you could agree that the dollars that are being wasted to prevent the importation of said hemp could be better spent, but I certainly don’t think they amount to a drop in the bucket compared to the dollars that would be wasted picking up the pieces after the full impact of legalization is known. Who’s to say? I’m sure Obama will fix that, too. After all, he’s going to fix everything, right?

In an article about the recent Democrat party lovefest, we find that ALL of our nations woes are due to the last 8 years. Who are these idiots trying to convince; themselves? We’re in the mess we’re in BECAUSE we have TOO MUCH government, not because there’s too little! If it hadn’t been for the government telling lending institutions who they MUST lend money to, we wouldn’t have a foreclosure crisis and we wouldn’t have banks going under or a NEED for government money to help those poor newly homeless from their own stupidity! We need LESS government interference, not more! Furthermore, the only way out right now is to reduce the tax burden (read, “operating expenses”) on corporate America so they CAN hire people instead of laying them off! Economics 101, Mr. President; a company operating in a capitalist economy MUST make a profit or it becomes another government-subsidized bankruptcy statistic! If you want this economy to thrive, go back to Washington and get out of the boardroom! Let these companies do what they do best; pad their bottom lines! Then and only then will this economy turn itself around! (See “Great Depression” and “Economic Recovery after WWII”)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Uhhh...who ARE these guys?


Has this guy no shame? On one hand, he approves of top executives of the US government not paying income taxes and then caps executive pay in the private sector. Can anyone say "contract?" That's good; I knew that you could!

How about this? Tell companies who wish to receive economic aid from Uncle Sam that they may not exceed a payroll of x% of reported income. Why not tell them that if they have executives making in excess of x% of their total company payroll, they're not ELEGIBLE for government bail-out funds? How can you or anyone else, Mr. Obama, tell a guy who's been making 1.5 or 2 million dollars per annum that his salary was just reduced to merely $500k? How's HE supposed to pay for those things he's obligated to pay for, like his mortgage, car notes, college education for kids, electricty, water, etc.?

I know you guys like to scoff at "trickle-down" theories, but you cannot deny that that is exactly how it works, can you?

The naivete' and sheer ARROGANCE of this bunch simply amazes me!

Daschle Bows Out


Today, the ultra liberal Tom Daschle, formerly of the United States House of Representatives and the US Senate, removed his name from consideration as Barack Obama’s Secretary of Health and Human Services.

It’s about time someone down there got one right!

I guess it’s okay to nominate one crook after another, starting with the governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson (who was asked to be the Secretary of Commerce) and including the current Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, the Secretary of State (whom I’m STILL not convinced is free of interest conflict when it comes to purchased favoritism via her husband’s fund-raising efforts overseas), and Nancy Killefer (Secretary of hurry let’s make something up!). Was Michael Millikin not available? Of course, these are the same folks running the Executive branch, which is responsible for ENFORCEMENT of the very laws they apparently hold in disdain!

What a shock! The guy who sat and listened to Jeremiah Wright for twenty years and never heard a word, the guy who sought the advice of Bill Ayers, and the guy who had a shady Chicago businessman (and I use that term loosely) running point on his fundraising efforts, has nominated a bunch of shady characters to run the government! Is the AED charged up? Does anyone know CPR? I’m having a heart attack over here from my total shock and surprise!

Uhh…..no I’m not!

What did you expect, America? You elect a guy with shockingly poor judgment and he exercises it with aplomb! Way to go, dunderheads! God, please see this country through the next four years! We’ll need all the favor You can muster!