Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Well, another wonderful Christmas at home with MDB!

It was another strange and wonderful week in Brownsworld! It was announced that Mike Holmgren has agreed to fill the position of "Football Czar" with the Browns a week after Josh Cribbs set the all-time NFL record for career kick-off return touchdowns AND the all-time Browns single game rushing record (and the third most in NFL history) was set by Jerome Harrison!

Of course, Kansas City was the opponent, but THAT doesn't matter, does it?

Mangenius has the Browns playing half-way decent the last couple of weeks, so maybe they can close out on a high note and get some momentum going into next year!

Meanwhile, MDB got me a new leaf blower (my request) for Christmas and a card to Lowe's. I was planning on getting a power washer, but I may spend it on our new patio cover...

...I haven't decided!

I got her jewelery from James Avery, a new leather jacket and a Wii game (well....we got each other the Wii game) and she seemed happy with it all!

So....Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Uncharted waters

Hello again, blogfan!

We're in uncharted waters tonight. My "Light" team won again last night by the lopsided score of 62 to 41, taking their record to 4-0. As I'd hoped for, the team that gave us a game (in the end...we had them down by 21 and had to take our foot off the gas per league rules) last week rose up and beat the only other undefeated team, leaving us alone in first! When we come back from the Christmas break, we face a 2-2 team that we really shouldn't have any problem with, and then play three teams in a row that are sub .500.

THAT'S the scary part! I'm afraid that we'll play a bunch of soft competition, get soft ourselves, and then play that other team to close out the season as a soft and unprepared basketball team.

I can only say....I'd rather be where we are than where THEY are!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pointy-headed libs at it again!

Hello again, blogfan!

Well, it seems as though the pointy-headed libs at the University of Texas (smack-dab in the middle of the People's Republic of Austin) are upset that the University increased Mack Brown's salary to $5 million per year. It seems that the poor faculty of that cash-strapped university is upset that, at this time of financial tumult, a sports figure would be offered a raise.

Anyone up there ever heard of Capitalism? Uhhh....its the financial system of this country, Mr. and Ms. pointy-headed liberal economics professors!

Coach Brown has once again taken his Longhorn football program to the national championship game, which, in and of itself, would warrant a raise. He has taken UT football to a plateau that it has never known before, not even in the time of the revered and renowned Daryl Royal, which means that it is bringing in MEGA bucks! According to the article, Coach Brown's salary is paid entirely by receipts of the UT athletic program and has no impact on the receipts of the university, either pro or con. IN FACT, the article says that the UT athletic program has generously donated some 6.6 MILLION dollars to UT academics in recent years despite having no mandate to do so.

Sounds like a little socialism gone amok there, pointy headed libs!

I tell you what. Why don't you FIRE Mack Brown and hire some nobody that will bring in no recruits, no acclaim, and no success; THEN you can control the government-issued piece of pie that's left and act as though you had it coming all along!

You people are stupid, degree or no degree!


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Houston, we have a problem!

So, Houston now has the nation's first openly gay mayor.

Does that qualify her to govern, or is it just a statement of some sort from the nation's gay rights activists?

Well, duh!?!?

She CLEARLY was not the most qualified candidate, but every gay, lesbian, cross-dressing, hermaphrodite weirdo in the country got behind her with a national fundraising effort, attempting to make her candidacy a referendum on the legitimacy of being gay instead of how well (or not well) she would govern Houston.

Thanks for not showing up, NORMAL Houston!

You know, I don't throw that term "normal" or "abnormal" around loosely. From any perspective (except the gay perspective, of course) homosexuality is simply NOT normal. What IS normal? From a simple statistical standpoint, "normal" is any part of the bell curve that falls within two standard deviations of the mean. Typically, "normal" encompasses about 95% of the sample population, which means that about 5% of any population could be expected to be "abnormal" in some way. This, of course, is why the gay rights people are so adamant about pronouncing that, according to them, 10% of the population is homosexual. THAT would mean that about 50% of that population falls withing the range of "normal." Which half is abnormal, gay rights guy? The half that becomes a priest and molests little boys or the half that becomes a serial killer and eats people?

Just wondering...

In any case, even if you buy the gay rights statistics (which I clearly DON'T by the way!!!), look at it from a clearly anatomical standpoint. Sex, by its very nature, is meant to cause propagation of the species. We're built so that the female partner donates 23 chromosomes and the male partner donates the other 23 and the zygote winds up with the normal number of 46. Although I do not mean by any stretch of the imagination to be insensitive, this is exactly why Down's Syndrome children are not normal; they have an extra chromosome (47) that causes any number of physical problems for them.

Having an extra chromosome falls within the 5% of the population that could be considered "abnormal" from a statistical standpoint. I'm sorry if that offends some; but it IS the truth!

Anyway, try as they might to represent themselves as "normal" through "Partner" adoption, artificial insemination, or some other form of parenthood by artificial means, gay unions are not capable of procreation in the manner intended by God.

They are therefore, NOT normal!

All that said, it's clearly a sickness that activists do whatever they can to push their agenda DESPITE what may or may not be good or acceptable from the standpoint of pure governance. Anise Parker was caught in several untruths during the course of the campaign, ranging from fabrications of her own voting record while on city council to made up endorsements.

Well, since the Clinton years, we know that lying isn't that big a deal to the electorate....

even if it SHOULD be!!!

So, much like the nation in which it resides, Houston is stuck with an unqualified, if decidedly PC candidate for at least 4 years.

I hope I'm not anywhere near here when the wheels fall off!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

3-0; NOW what do we do?

Well, dear blogfan, it's been a wonderful and strange week in Dan's sports world; my 7th-grade "A" team is 3-0 and tied for first place in the district, and my beloved Browns actually won a game, beating the despised (pronounced dE- SPIZE- eD) Steelers and essentially knocking them out of any hope they may have had for the playoffs this year (snicker...snicker...). Strange and wonderful, no?

My "A" basketball team is special. They don't look it, but they're absolutely the most athletic bunch of kids I've ever coached! Even better, they put the ball in the basket when they get and take a shot! I've had teams in the past who worked really hard, got a good look at the basket, but actually put it in the hole at an alarmingly pitiful rate! Well, this bunch gets the good looks AND sinks the shots they get! AMAZING!!!!! They scored 64 last week and 53 this week. I hate to sound like I'm bragging, but that's a LOT of points in only 28 minutes of basketball especially when you consider that on the night they scored 64 the clock ran for the whole 4th quarter!

This past week, we built up a 21 point lead before we had to stop pressing (league rules prohibit pressing with a 20+ point lead) only to finish with only a 5-point margin of victory. Having to take our foot off of the gas took us out of our rhythm.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

This week, we face a team that lost last week to the only other undefeated team in the district, so this is going to be another tough week in basketball! Fortunately, the team who made such a valiant come-back on us this past week faces the other undefeated team; maybe (good Lord willing) WE'LL be the only one left standing after the week is over! That would be AWESOME!!! I hate to hope for someone else's demise, but we don't face them ourselves until the final week of the season, so what's wrong with hoping that someone gets to them before WE do?

On the other front, it sure is nice to see my Browns play well for a change!

Well, it may have been more of a function of Pittsburgh playing poorly, but who (outside of Pittsburgh) is going to look this gift horse in the mouth? Certainly not I!!!

The Browns sacked Rothlisberger (sp?) 8 times overall, I believe. about a little protection for Big Ben, what do you say Steeler's O-line? Didn't he just recover from a concussion? Seems to me like you'd want to offer a little more protection for your franchise quarterback than that........I'm just saying!!!

I'm not complaining, mind you! It was really nice to see Brown and Orange all over that black and yellow, not to mention the pain and bewilderment in his eyes, but, were I a Pittsburger, I think I'd be looking for a little more "max protection" calls from Mike Tomlin and a lot fewer "everyone in the pattern" calls......I'm just saying!!!

What was really nice was the fact that the Browns seemed to be able to run on Pittsburgh almost at will, especially in the first half. Josh Cribbs did to them what he usually does; slice and dice like a vegamatic on steroids! Why would anyone wearing black and yellow EVER punt a ball to Josh Cribbs? Do they have game tape in Pittsburgh? Has anyone seen what Josh Cribbs ALWAYS does to Pittsburgh? Maybe they should consider NOT punting the ball to him anymore...I'm just saying!!!

Well, that's enough advice for the evil empire. They have enough else to worry about, what with searching for a new head coach and all. Maybe they can bring Chuck Noll back; he was such a breath of fresh air, wasn't he?

He made Bill Belichick look like Robin Williams in comparison!

I'm just saying!!!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

basketball, broken arms, and multiculturalism!

Hello again, blogfan!

Well, another busy week in the books! My 7th graders came on strong again this week and took a lopsided 64 - 31 victory over another team that I've never been able to beat! Looks like it's going yo be a good year! I told them Thursday that putting that kind of whooping on someone has pluses and minuses. The big plus is that teams in the district see the same scores we see and it adds a little fear factor to us walking in the gym. The big minus is that other teams see the same scores we see and it puts a big bulls eye on us! Oh well; I'd rather be where we are than where they are!

I told one of the parents the other day (who was bubbling because of our early-season success) that I've coached this bunch pretty much the same way I've coached every other team I've ever had. The difference with this bunch is that they're actually going out and executing the things we've worked on!

You can go from idiot to genius in about two nanoseconds in this business! Coaches with good athletes are geniuses by and large and the ones without them are idiots (or so it would seem!).

This Wednesday we have our first home game. The team we play is one that is always tough but I've managed to get wins over two of the last three years. Their coach is pretty well schooled in the game and always has his teams prepared for us. I say we've beat them two of the last three years; we've beat them in the tournament at the end of the year despite losing our regular-season game against them. This year I'd like to get the regular-season game and let the tournament take care of itself!

It's a strange year so far! 5 of the ten teams in the district are undefeated at 2-0 and 5 do not have a victory! STRANGE!!! I'm glad to be one of the teams at 2-0! It's hard getting motivated when you know your season is already over with only two games in the can!

Toward the end of our game this week, a kid from the other team fell down and broke his arm. From all appearances, both the radius and the ulna were pretty much snapped in two, though the skin was not broken. Despite that, there was MAJOR deformation (it was UGLY!!!) and naturally, a lot of pain! Having been trained for 15+ years as an EMT in my former career, I went to see if I could help and wound up doing the splinting. The young man was able to hold the clipboard (all they could find for a splint was a clipboard) without a sling, so we tucked it under his arm and off to the ER he went (mom was at the game, thank goodness!!!). Thursday, I sent an e-mail to the opposing coach and asked him how the young man was doing. The coach e'd back that he was set to either have surgery or get the bone set that day and that the ER doctor was very pleased with the job I'd done with the splint. He also passed along gratitude from the mother who was very happy that her son had been efficiently and professionally taken care of in his time of need. Then the phone started ringing; the 7th-grade AP called and left a message with a voice mail from the mom in question attached. She had called my school and left a very nice message praising the work I'd done on her son. THEN the school principal called and enclosed the same message! THEN I got down to the coaches office and our AD played it for me AGAIN!!! WOW!!! It's nice to be appreciated!

Meanwhile, I hope the young man is doing okay; he did not cry during the whole ordeal despite what must have been excruciating pain and he exhibited a great deal of courage!

My thoughts on multiculturalism probably ought to go on a whole new entry, but here's the gist of it; pride in America is waning because we have inculcated in our youth that what we honor is NOT the country that allows us the freedom to celebrate our cultural differences, but the country from which those traditions arose. Put simply, we need to make sure our young people realize a few things; America is the greatest country ever to grace planet Earth! The constitution of this country allows people to be different while still being Americans! That said, if you live here, if you draw your sustenance here, if you make your living here, you need to honor and pay tribute to the country that allows you the freedoms you enjoy! Try NOT honoring China in China! Go to Mexico and tell them that America is WAY better than Mexico and see what happens to you! Have pride in your heritage, but realize that you're an American now and America is the country that needs and DESERVES all of your allegiance and pride both now and in the future!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Why don't some black athletes do what the libs want?

Hello again, blogfan!

I listen to a lot of sports talk radio, so I hear frequently from listener-callers about how they wish Tiger Woods and/or Michael Jordan would speak out about social issues. Jim Brown, the best running back in the history of football and notorious advocate for social change, has mentioned this, most recently in an interview on the Jim Rome show. Brown basically wished out loud that either Tiger, Jordan, or both would use their considerable sway with the public to elicit change in public policy.

So, why don't they do it?

Well, obviously liberal agents of change ASSUME that black athletes like Jordan or Woods would trumpet the "party line" and sing for Obama-esque change; more government assistance, affirmative action, and government control over whatever CAN be controlled by government. However, what would happen if their assumption is wrong? What if Woods and other insanely rich black athletes would take a conservative stand and ask people to assume personal responsibility for their own well-being? Not only would that be treacherous to "their roots" in the eyes of the libs, but it would severely undermine whatever credibility they enjoy in African-American culture, or at least the liberal version of it.

Maybe Woods and Jordan know this and therefore refuse to say anything at all! At least they don't risk the ire of the community that hold them up as examples of success by not speaking out.

How ironic would it be if THAT were the case?