Monday, November 01, 2010

Well, tomorrow's the day!

Long time, no see, blogfan!

WWWAAAAAYYYYY back in March, I predicted that the Democratic Party would sing it's swan song in November because of the VERY troubling manner in which the Health Care reform legislation was jammed down our collective throats.

Tommorow's the day!

MDB and I voted early, but that's not to say that readers here shouldn't get out and do their civic duty as well! If you haven't yet voted, GET OUT AND DO IT!!!

Maybe a little humble pie is just what the doctor ordered for Nobraina and the rest of the Dumocrats who foisted this monstosity on us!

He probably won't listen because he hasn't heard anything we've said YET, but he won't be able to do anything about it anymore, either!

Let's just pray that enough people who vote in senate races around the country are smart enough to vote out their Dumocrat incumbents as well!

So long, Dumocrats! It was NOT nice knowing you!

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