Monday, January 28, 2008

A Great "Chillin' " Weekend

Hello, there, Blogfans!

We're at the time of year when the grind has pretty much done me in. From the middle of August until the middle of February, my workdays go like this:

Out of bed at 5:30 (or, at least that's when the alarm goes off....), out the door by 6:10 or so. In the door at school by 7:00, work in my room (unless I have duty or a meeting - Friday and Wednesday respectively) until 8:20, when my first class rolls in. Teach classes until 2:30; coach during the Athletic period from 2:35 until 3:40. Coach after school until 5:45 or 6:00, depending upon what we're working on; get in the truck and drive home, usually by 7:00. On game days (Wednesday and Thursday during football; Wednesday during basketball), I usually won't be home until 8:00 or 8:30. When I get home, I greet my darling bride and then eat. She's so AWESOME!!!! She always has dinner waiting for me! After we eat, we clean up the dishes, then I have to pack my bag for the next day (gym clothes) and make my salad for lunch. I'm usually done with everything I have to do by 9:30 or so, so it's time for bed. Tomorrow, it starts all over again!

Anyway, it's exhausting after awhile even though I DO love it! I'm not the kind of guy who likes to sit around too much. I'd prefer to have a project going or something I can do to feel like I'm accomplishing something. I'm in the middle of building a dog kennel, for example. On that, we're just waiting for funds to become available so we can finish that up and reclaim the back yard!

Despite that, it IS good to simply relax and kick back every so often, so that's what we did this weekend; catch up on movies. Has anyone seen the Adam Sandler flick "Reign Over Me?" It was pretty intense, but I think Sandler did a really good job. Dealing with that kind of loss, especially when it's so unexpected, is seriously traumatic. As I said, IMHO, Sandler did a really good job conveying the turmoil such a loss could cause for the survivors.

Anyway, back to work. It was good to just chill for the weekend, but the grind is almost over! Woo-Hoo! Our last potential game day (tournament time for the A team) is Feb. 8! - Dan

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